I gave birth almost 7 weeks ago. 10 days after giving birth I had to have a D&C done. I bled for 2 weeks after that. Then I went 2 weeks no bleeding at all. Last Tuesday I started to spot, and I spotted for 3 days, and Friday and Saturday I bled a little heavy. Sunday, Monday and today I've bled quite heavily. I have no clots, no cramps, no pain. I don't remember how long my first period was with my first child, and now I'm beginning to wonder if this is normal... I know they say you have 9 months of "back up" to get rid of, lol - but I'm wondering if this is something I should be concerned about.
Also, the heavy flow seems to be more during the day, at night it seems to lessen quite a bit, which I guess it normal seeing as how I'm constantly on the go during the day.