
Weird Period?

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ok so 3-4 days ago i had what i thought was implantation bleeding....but then after a few days i haad some red and clots (sorry TMI) anyways, its a really light flow...nothing i have ever had before and it started a week before my period should have started...any ideas?? could i be pregnant? or am i just getting my hopes up?

i have been having some symptoms like b***s hurting, headaches, mood swings, backaches...but i never get them when i get my period...normally i only feel bloated and get slight cramps....oh and also i have been having weird pains around my belly button and such

well thanks alot for your help




  1. you could be pregnant!

    you probably don't care, but when i was pregnant i still got a really light flow that lasted about a day each month i was supposed to get my period for 4 months. so i didn't even know i was pregnant until then!! i just thought my periods were getting lighter.

    congrats if you are and good luck! :)

  2. sometimes it depends on how old you are, but since you want to be pregnant, I assume your period has already regulated.somehow, I doubt you are pregnant, but you should see your doctor and get a test, just in case

  3. cloting is not a good but lite bleeding is ok jus go to ur dr and have a blood test u might be pregnant or might not be u might havin miscarriage could be anything jus go to the dr ......


  4. do not worry, is normal
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