
Weird Pregnant Sickness Question?

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Yeah...tonight I ate chicken and spanish rice with sour cream. YUM. Anyhow, just the spanish rice came up.

Lol. I'm so glad that I'm not the only one this has happened to. :)

And I LOVE being pregnant...even with the sickness.




  1. Yea, for lunch i had a poptart and koolaid. I only threw up the koolaid. Weird. i wonder why.

    Ginger snaps are really good with vommit.

  2. The best part is when you throw up so much there is nothing there to throw up, and you're just vomiting bile.

    Yes, I did experience that. I remember once I went out for Chinese and threw up five minutes after I was done eating and it was only the chicken. All the vegetables stayed down. Pregnancy is great...

  3. You may be able to alleviate nausea by keeping some

    food in your stomach — by avoiding having a stomach that’s completely empty or completely full. Here are some other dietary suggestions for preventing or relieving nausea:

    Eat smaller meals or snacks frequently throughout the day.

    Before getting out of bed in the morning, eat a couple of

    soda crackers or a piece of dry toast.

    Rise slowly, allowing some time for digestion to occur before you get up.

    Have a small snack at bedtime and when you get up to go to the bathroom at night.

    Avoid foods and smells that trigger nausea.

    Drink fewer fluids with your meals.

    You should always try nondrug remedies first, since it's best not to expose your developing baby to any drugs if you can help it.


  4. I have found the best way to stop the sickness is to eat.  Eat little snacks all day. Like a cracker here and there.  A few every hour or so.  

  5. i know i threw up everything... but maybe your body can hold certain stuff down.. but for sickness i had Zofran.. ask your dr about it.

  6. Yeah its normal usually its what you eat right before you get sick! It totally normal! If you go to babies'r'us(im not sure if there is one around you) but they have these lollipops that help with morning sickness they really work! If you can possibly get those i'm not gonna say it will help with all of it but it should help with most of it!  

  7. That is strange and my body does that too. I'm not sure why. As far as relieving sickness get up out of bed slowly don't just jump up. Have crackers or pretzels nearby and eat a couple. Drink plenty of water and eat small snacks throughout the day instead of 3 large meals. I ate a lot of cereal when I was in my first trimester. It should get better around 3-4 months. Sometimes you can be sick through it all. Luckily most women feel better. Don't get over heated because that can make you feel very sick. Good luck and congrats on your baby.

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