
Weird Question about phone calls?

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Okay, this is weird i know.. Sunday night we got calls starting at 10:06PM no name came up on the caller ID, when i would pick up it would the dial tone that happened 4 times. Nothing else happened till just now when my phone rang with "314" and nothing else.. Dial tone again when i picked it up.. Has anyone had this happen to them? Could my phone comp. just be updating things on there end? Any in put before i call comcast up like a crazy lady, lol. Thanks!




  1. i dunt get u at all

  2. what does this mean?  "when i would pick up it would the dial tone that happened 4 times".  That doesn't make any sense.  

    If you have Caller I.D. and if you don't recognize the caller or if there is no number being displayed, then why would you answer it?  What's the point of having Caller I.D. if you're going to answer every call anyway?

    I would call the phone company and at least let them know that this is happening.  And be crazy when you call.  They'll love it.  

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