
Weird Question...but?

by  |  earlier

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Ill be 36 weeks tomorrow and tonight Ive been getting this pain in my crotch everytime I cough. Its like a i dont know how to describe it, but it hurts and only does it when I cough. What is it? has anyone else experienced anything like this. Its like a pinching, sharp, hurting pain that lasts for as long as I cough.???




  1. I am a Certified Medical Assistant

    Yes it is normal

    I use to feel  like my daughters foot was poking me down there,

    ( obviously it wasn't) the doctor said that is normal it is stretching

    Good Luck Happy 4th

  2. I get that same pain. My dr said it's because the baby is head down and low. She pushes on a whole new set of nerves and because she can still move around, new muscles and cervical angles. It's normal and eventually baby moves and the pain goes away.... for now.

  3. I had that a little bit to but was told baby was down their and was pushing but also had it further on right before i had her Cause when that was happening to me i was in so much pain cause was in labor and didn't know it cause contractions where so far apart and by time i thought it was time it really was cause they wanted me to go to the doc to make sure it was real and we ended on going straight to the hospital which was a good think cause when i got their i was already 9 cm dilated. if i was u i would just call the doc to check it out might not be nothing but that is only time that happened to me.

  4. Sounds like a pinched nerve.

  5. when you cough, you are pushing the baby into your cervix.  Try holding your tummy when you cough. Its normal. Don't be surprised if you pee a little bit too lol. But it is totally normal, especially this far along in pregnancy.

  6. I have never heard of this.


    I can, however, imagine how it must feel.

    Honestly, I'm sorry that I can't totally relate, but you should talk with your doctor about it if you haven't yet.

    It may be embarrassing, but would you rather, in the middle of a party or something, have a coughing attack?

    It's like me and my bladder control problem; I'd rather get it fixed than wet myself in public. x33

    Good luck!

  7. I've got 4 kids so I know a little about that pain. The baby has it's head down low and when you cough it pushes baby down and pushes on everything down there. If it gets to be unbearable tell your doctor so he can check your cervix just to make sure that you aren't dilating since you are 36 weeks the pressure could cause early dilation. Good luck hope this helps.
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