
Weird Sound coming from my speakers?

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Ok so the other day i was s******g around with my car stereo in my 1993 ford exlporer, and the power wire slipped out of the bracket and came into contact with the plug in spot for the speaker wire in my clarion 4 channel amplifier. After that an annoying thumping sound and a slight squeal can be heard when the stereo is on when the vehicle is on accessory. but when i turn the vehicle on the sound in extremly loud and squeally. and when anything electrical is used in the vehicle (signal lights) the sound changes tone with it. and when the engine changes revs, the sound intensifies. could this be that my amp is blown? or a burnt up rca? or what please help me this stereo cost me lots of money and i would hate to have to pay to have this fixed. thanks. P.s. the music coming out of the speakers sounds normal once you drown out the squealing. just wondering if that would help.




  1. May have blown a capacitor in amp finals in your stereo . They're used to filter unwanted noise. Your probably hearing your alternator noise when the engine is running.Your speakers too have capacitors in line to filter noise, however it doesn't look as the hot wire touched the speaker wires according to your description

  2. Uh I have some really nice speakers that cost quite a bit of money for them and they do not have any such noise filters on them, only their individual cross overs.

    It sounds like something went hay wire with your wiring, next time be more careful. Sounds like this time you got lucky and only need a noise filter. You need to know if the noise is coming from the front, back or both. In eiter case while the vehicle is off, unplug your RCA's from your amp and plug them into the noise filter and take the noise filter and plug that into the amp. That should fix your problem, worst case senerio you may have to replace an amp, but that is worst case. There really should be no reason to replace anything though.

  3. 10 years ago a buddy of mine had an 84 civic with the same problem. while you were fiddling around the power wire came loose and while you were spooked by the spark probably knocked the ground wire loose either on the amp or chassis. It sounds like it hit the terminal for a split second....NO big deal. it happens, I cannot see that blowing a clarion. Maybe a pyramid. if that is fine, try another source unit (deck) I know it sounds strange considering what happened, but you may be surprised.

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