
Weird Stomach Problem?

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For about 2 days I have been in the bathroom going #2 very often. This morning i get the feeling I have to go, but when i do nothing comes out and there is a constant pressure, what could this mean/how do i get rid of it?




  1. change your diet to a vegan diet and eat whole foods, as much raw as possible. You were not designed to eat the foods you have likely been eating and your body is trying to tell you, it may not do so again for a while, so take note now and make the change.

  2. constipation...drink lots of fluids, especially water...walk around alot,  you can drink a little bit of prune does work, but then it causes the runs, i don't really know how much prune juice...because i usually drink  too much then i get unplugged allright, but then the runs occur...=))

  3. Could be food poisoning or gas... Is it regular stool or diarrhea? If regular stool, wait it out, maybe try some Gas X. Diarrhea, make sure you drink plenty of water/juice/gatorade to replenish the lost electrolytes and you could try some Imodium. Hope this helps.

  4. Sounds like gastric upset...this is NOT food poisoning (as someone mentioned)...sounds like classic IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome...which I have)...If this persists...I would see your Dr...avoid OTC meds until your sure what this is...
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