
Weird Stuff - Is it psychic ability or people trying to contact me from beyond?

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Hope someone would be able to shed some light into things that happened in my childhood and some happening now, wondering if they are connected or what, is it psychic ability or is someone trying to contact me from beyond?

- When I was a kid, and sometimes even now, I somehow manage to break electrical equipment without actually physicially damaging it (such as dropping it etc) usually just by touching them. I've managed to have the follwing electric items fail CD/DVD players electric car seats, electric seat belt feeders, remote controls, computers.

- When I was a kid, there was a period of time when I could tell when the phone was ringing just a couple of seconds before it rang and who was on the other line

- I've grabbed a normal glass once and I didnt even press pressure on it and it just cracked. (i wasnt even drunk)

- Sometimes I just shiver for no apparent reason. Even if the weather is good. Someone once told me this was just a spirit passing through or around you.

- Around two years ago, and for an extended amount of time (ie 1 year plus) every Friday evening between 6pm - 8pm it would be guaranteed that no matter where I was I would see a street lamp suddenly turn off, while all the other street lamps remain on.

If someone can shed some light on this this would be great






  1. coincidence.  i bet there's plenty of times when those things didn't happen, more often than when they did, but you tend to notice the things because you focus your mind on them.  it's all in the power of suggestion.  

    you may have one of those rare body types that stops watches and throws out some sort of electrical field, it happens and is scientifically explainable.  

    the phone thing, well, people are creatures of habit, and you probably just knew that, for example, aunt sally usually calls after work on thursdays in your subconscious mind, and could 'predict' that the phone would ring.  as you get older you have more to occupy your mind and don't hang around the house as much so you wouldn't be there enough to do it.  

    glasses get worn out just like anything else, and this sometimes happens.

    shivering for no reason is common and is a bodily function not a detector of the supernatural.

    if you pay attention to any group of streetlights, there is usually one that goes out (and comes back on) for a period of time.  i don't know why, but i am sure that it's electrical, not supernatural.  i bet that you just happened to be out in the street during those hours for some reason (creatures of habit, schedules, etc.)

  2. How old are you now and are unusual things still happening?  Does a wrist watch stop running when you wear it?

  3. nah, you probably have a magnetic field around you that's different than most people's. I can do the light thing as well, and 2 of my grandsons can set off the anti theft sensors in stores.  The phone thing, many kids seem to have that  ability, but lose it around the age of 6

  4. Really does sound like an other worldly spiritual occurrence. But, since dead people are dead, it can't be them, right? Gotta be a spirit, I'd guess.

  5. You have a very active imagination.

    Consider writing novels.

  6. neither

  7. Do you have a familiar spirit that was passed down to you from an ancestor?  Since you've had this since childhood is the reason I ask the question.  This is an evil spirit because it causes damage.

  8. I can shoot laser beams out of my eyes.

  9. Good story, but I don't believe you.

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