
Weird about food..?

by  |  earlier

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so, i got to spend all day at the barn with my horse today and i noticed something weird..

he was all alone in his area of the barn, no one next to or across from on either side (they were all in turnout) and i went to throw him a fallen half flake of hay, since i didn't want to waste it.. as soon as he saw it and realized i was going to give it to him he pinned his ears, barred his teeth a little and placed himself with his head where his hay always goes..

now, he always does this when its time to hay/grain the barn.. but i always figured it was because the horse across the barn from his is agressive about food, so he was too.. but today he was all alone.

so, i decided to see if he would warm up to me and relax, so i stood there with the hay in my hands talking nicely to him, but he continued on his little act... I finally gave up and gave it to him (i had 6 more stalls to do! lol) but after he got it he was happy and wanted to nuzzle me.

any idea as to WHY he does this?




  1. Habit.  Maybe as a youngster running with other youngsters he had to put the act on so that all the others would let him eat in peace and NOT chase him off.

    I had an old QH gelding who was the sweetest, kindest horse BUT always put this bad horse act on when it came to feeding him his hay.  If you blew at him, he'd have probably fainted!  LOL

  2. My Arabian does that too. He is as sweet as could trusting and kind. But, if you are about to put his food in his bowl he just pins his ears straight back and keeps tossing his head away anf too the bowl over and over till I give him the food. If he isn't ACTUALLY biting I wouldn't worry about it.

  3. It's a food aggression behaviour.  Really combination aggressive-defensive behaviour. He's just saying "here comes my food, and no one better even THINK of obstructing my access to MY food!"  

    It sounds like he's developed the habit when food is presented, and since no one bothers to correct it (it takes time and patience), it's actually continually being reinforced, since whoever is feeding up goes ahead and tosses his food to him (since they're in a hurry to finish the barnwork, and the behaviour  doesn't really "hurt" anyone, as least hastn't so far - just like you're case).  Often it's all show and no bite, but not always, so it either needs to be corrected (difficult if he's boarded) or people need to be warned to just leave him alone when he's eating.

  4. He may be low in the pecking order of the other horses and has to fight for his food. I am sure he perceived you as keeping him away from his food by holding it. He was telling you to give him the hay. Once you did, true to horse behavior, he became his nice self since he didn't see you as threat to his food. To stop this type of behavior you need to make sure there are more places for a horse to get food than there are horses. That way if more a dominate horse moves in on his eating space, he can move to another. I always have two to three extra dishes when feeding grain to my horses. That way all of the horses get enough to eat. The more dominate horses can keep a younger horse away from food. Your horse probably has to fight to eat.

  5. i have no idea..

    Iv never heard of it before so i really dont know.

    All i can say is as long as he has a healthy appitite and doesnt try to hurt you, i wouldnt worry.

    Maybe he is a little possesive over it, even to you?
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