
Weird and scary dream?

by  |  earlier

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i had a dream that my family and i won a trip to some island resort. When we got there, it was kind of like Jurassic park. And boy did it feel like it later in my dream. Our guide was really nice to us, but later he disappears. No one knows where he went. Then all of the sudden, we hear a loud, wet sounding thump just overhead. We look up, and there is our guide. It freaked me out. He's dead btw. Then we learn that these eggs were planted in one of the hotel's rooms. They are like raptors, but they can talk and stuff. My family and the others are running away from them, but everyone of them except for me, my dad, and my baby sister are eaten. While we are hiding we hear a cracking noise, and see a egg that we didnt see before hatching. Then, out of nowhere, more eggs hatch. Then the gross raptors come out. We are all scared. Then i hear from behind us, we found you. I then at that point realize i am dreaming, so i try to get away, you know, i was halfway into lucid dreaming. So i flew away from the raptors, but then i would be sucked back to them, repeating the whole hatching process and being found again. I woke up after being sucked back at least three times. Please interpret. serious answers please




  1. Most of the time, your subconscious tells you things the only way it can; dreams.

    I'm guessing you may be facing a new job or challenge? It came as a pleasant surprise but it wasn't really what you thought it was. All of a sudden the help that you thought was around you has disappeared.

    You feel as if you are repeating challenges that you've already succeeded over and it is becoming annoying to have to face them again and again.

    I'm not really a pro at interpretting dreams...maybe you'd be best consulting a professional.

  2. eggs are a generally good omen for whatever concerns you most...the augur domestic contentment and or prosperity and can expect to achieve your goals successfully by fly  with control
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