When I was about nine, I always used to dream about weird, scary flowers and tires. Lol, I don't know what tires were doing there but they would just be floating around with the flowers. The tires would stack up and turn paper thin, and stab me! I felt the stabs when I was sleeping [they felt like needles invading me or somthing... lol] the pain would be all over my body and I just wanted to wake up realllyyy bad. The same thing happened with the flowers. They'd dance for a bit then point their stems at me and start stabbing me. I still remember that when those two things weren't attacking me, there would be a yellowish background, then, when they would turn "evil", the background would turn to a dark shade of yellow with a bit of red. I had that same horrible dream for months, then it suddenly stopped coming.
I don't dream about it anymore, but I just wanted to know what that dream meant.