
Weird baby movements?

by Guest65896  |  earlier

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I'm 28 weeks pregnant and the other night I was laying on my side, and my baby girl felt like she was jumping up and down. My husband put his hand on my belly and felt it, too. He described it as feeling like the baby had hydraulics =) She has been extremely active since about 12 weeks, but never felt any movement like that! Anywho, my question is has anyone else felt movement like this?

Thanks so much in advance!!




  1. I feel weird stuff like that all the time. You still have a lot of room in there for baby to do flips and spins and rolls....the further along you get the more powerful the movements will get, but they will be punches and kicks and pushing and stretching..but not so much of the weird flips and bouncing. They actually are starting to get really painful at times, and Im only 35 weeks im worried how the next 5 weeks are going to be.  LOL! Good luck to you!!

  2. Yea I get that all the time, but its just the baby kicking like shes throwing a tantrum and it's ricocheting through out your belly.

  3. sounds like hiccups!

    Ok, so maybe it sounds like when my baby has the hiccups, no need for thumbs down.
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