
Weird bubble nest in my tank???

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I have a ten gallon tank with one red glo fish, there are no other fish in the tank but I have noticed a very odd bubble nest. Do glo fish even make bubble nests??? If not what has caused this?




  1. Do you have snails in the tank? Some snail eggs look like small piles of bubbles, but they're really more like jelly if you touch them. I don't think glofish make bubble nests.

  2. My father has a kind of algae in his tank, comes in red and green, that looks like bubbles.

    If it is algae, get rid of it fast, because that c**p spreads like wildfire.

  3. no worrys

  4. its bacteria development, just clean it

  5. could be spawning

  6. it's a type of strange bacteria clean it out jus in case it spreads or harms the fish!

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