
Weird craft question?!?!?!?

by Guest67072  |  earlier

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ok, I was using Super Glue and a glop of it got stuck on my finger. HELP? I need to get it of soon!




  1. hot water

  2. They don't put acetone in nail polish remover anymore, or at least the stuff I get at the market, CVS, Rite-aid, Brooks, etc.  Maybe you could find some someplace else who carries an acetone type product.

  3. just rip it off. skin grows back. no pain no gain.

  4. You need to use acetone(nail polish remover) to separate skin.  Soak your fingers in it until you can carefully pry them apart.  You will have residue on your fingers for a while.  What I usually do is take a fine grit nail file and gently file off the crusty residue.  It will wear off in a few days with regular washing of your hands.  

    P.S. This isn't a weird question, we all have glued something together at one point in our lives! :)

  5. just put it in hot water

  6. anything that removes nailpolish or goo gone stuff them agin scrub it

  7. Rinse it with warm-hot water for as long as it takes to come off

  8. Don't feel bad, I knew someone who rubbed his eye without knowing he had superglue on his finger... glued his eye shut!  Can you say "Emergency Room"?

  9. This site says acetone nail polish remover.  I have no personal experience, though.  Can't hurt to try.

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