
Weird dream, What does it mean?

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Last night I had this dream that I was at my Grandmothers house with my cousins having our annual sleepover. We went on a walk and I saw a little girl in a red dress and an old sun hat. Suddenly it was in the like I'd say the '50s and we walked around the corner and everything was in black and white, we went up to a house with a big 1950s hearse at a perfect little white house an the little girl who I had just seen had just died from being really sick but the doctor won't treat black people

( which makes me wonder why the hearse came for a black person). Then we were back in the future and I was with a preacher and he was talking about a Jewish guy who goes to young couples cars and leaves a sign on the top and they die at midnight. It was then that I was back in my house with everyone the Jewish man, the Preacher, the little Black Girl in the red dress, and all my cousins and I was the one dieing. Then I woke up crying and cold even though it was really hot. I am not racist so I am so confused. I feel so scared because it seemed so real I could even feel the pain of the people who died and the sickness of the little girl and everything. HELP PLEASE!!!!




  1. did you recenlty watch a movie related to racism? and its ok, it WAS just a dream. it probably has some other significant meaning to your life about what is going on right now. think about what is happening to you in the oresent. youll figure it out. i would help, but i dont really know enough about you.

  2. Perhaps you are bothered by racism and this is coming out in your dreams.

  3. its just a dream...

    i had a dream last night that paris hilton and britney spears were chasing me down the street in a pink camo jeep...

    if u think it means something then buy a dream interpretation book or something

  4. u know dreams can be very weird at times. this dream is one of those dreams where God (do u go to church?) whats u to pray for the church(the preacher) He wants u to pray for jews(for Israel) and He wants u to pray for the black race. i am a big beliver in the Lord Jesus and i believe he gve u that dream for a reason. the red dress represents blood, the sickness is an epidemic on these people and the fact that is was set in the 50's really has no explanation. get into a church and find someone who interprets dreams and get more info. i hope this helps.

  5. it probly just some funny dream......

  6. d**n! What a dream!!! I'm sure you feel better but kinda confused. Maybe it was "just a dream" but then again, I wouldn't know how 2 explain that..........

  7. just a dream...

  8. I can't help you with that. try searching for 'dream interpretation' on Google or something.

  9. first of all, dont worry its a dream.

    but thn you might want to be careful and not get sick or anything

    because i had a dream once, and it was really really vivid, and i, unlike other dreams, remember everything in it. but then it was like telling me the future or something, like what i dreamed of happened!

    it was weird. but maybe its because i have been thinking about it too much so i just dream about it.


  10. I had a dream like that. It probably means you feel the pain of other types of people trying to get through life back then.  

  11. I didn't read any part of this that suggests racism on your part, so I wouldn't worry about that. I do think you may be feeling some racial tension either in your personal life or even from media coverage in the news. Our current elections for example could be triggering this to some extent. It seems that no matter what one candidate or the other says, his counterpart has tried to put a racist spin on it. It could even be something in a movie or tv series you've watched. I wouldn't worry too much, but if you are overly preoccupied by this, you should seek counseling from a trained professional.  

  12. its just a dream ppl have dreams like that all the time CHILL THE EFF OUT!

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