
Weird dream, can you interpret it?

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In my dream I was living on this island in the middle of a large body of water with nothing around except one other island that looked similar. The island was small, just big enough to fit the house I was living in. I was also doing my usual summer job, teaching kids how to ride horses, but in order to get to the ranch where I teach, in my dream I would fly, because my arms could become wings. In my house there was another woman living who could also grow wings, and in my dream she was a friend of mine. But in the house on the other island there were these two guys who could also shape-shift & they could become some kind of fish or snake, I could never quite tell which. So the woman I'm living with has these two feathers that the people in the other house want, and we have to protect them. She gives them to me and the guys from the other island shapeshift and they chase me and I try to escape by flying, but suddenly they can fly too. When I got tired, they caught me & I woke up.




  1. Water is symbolic of s*x for sure. It's there possibly because you are curious about it or it's in the back of your mind. Ground is substantially the life we live, having a house on it is nice since you must be accomplished. Flying is kinda hard for me to do in my dreams but I do it to get out of bad situations. Shape shifters are usually people you fear. In human form they sometimes appear glistening as a rainbow aura when it's you they represent. The feathers would mean a talent of some sort, something they would need in themselves.

  2. Ok. This is my interpretation. The island and your house is your domain in life. Its not vast nor miniscule, but it meets the needs in your life, "just big enough to fit the house I'm living in" as you said. Your friend can be your companion, a partner in business, or the future image of yourself. Perhaps you will gain something in life that will need protection. The water can mean seperation, since it is a boundary that divides you from the two men on the other island. The water can also symbolically mean morals, since it is what divides you from those two guys who are attempting roberry The water in this case acts as a barrier protecting you from those guys. Unfortunately they learn to fly don't they. What is an interesting aspect of your dream is the image and reaction of the two guys. One, shapeshifting is not a good attribute. It means a person cannot be trusted, since they bare not just one appearence but two. Second, the fact that you can fly is interesting. In my culture, when a persons dreams they are flying it means they will succeed. In this case you will succeed in something, but so will they. Yet they are following you. They have their eyes set on something you value greatly. So overall though you humbly live, you are facing a future blessing. It is something you may or may note realize, but you know must protect. People will come after you. They will be your friends, and they will try to decieve you. Your morals will speak and act as guide that will allow you to decipher friend or foe. However, these enemies will not give up for they will follow you and even succeed when you do. They are in pursuit of your ultimate dream/goal. So be careful.There are few questions I wanted to know. Do you have a big investment you are planning on making? Is there a big choice you are facing? Is there a possible success in your future? If you have something to gain, people will cling to you like wolves but bearing the image of a sheep. One more thing. In my culture an in others, there is a thing called an evil eye. People place it on you wishing harm on those they do not like. Becareful because there could be wolve marking your scent of success or an evil eye wishing harm.

  3. This is my interpretation of your dream.  I may be way off mark - at the end of this is an article about using your dreams to maximize your potential and you can find a dream dictionary linked at the end.  

    Usually I end this way - but I believe you have a lot of potential and in your dreams you can unlock many mysteries.

    While being on an island you may feel that you are stuck in a rut, or you may just be comfortable where you are and not looking for a change.  But, partly you feel like you do need to do need to make a change from your island.  That is why you sprouted wings.  

    That friend of yours had 2 feathers that you had to protect, and I feel like you are trying to protect yourself, your comfort level.  

    On the other island there were 2 men, who could shapeshift.  One turns into a fish and one into a snake.  A fish is an animal we think of catching, a snake is symbolic of something that hasn't surfaced yet.  

    Putting all of this together, I would think that you are involved in a relationship with a man who you may have doubts about.  He has a dual nature (shapeshifting/ snake & fish) and you are just wanting to protect your life the way it is.  If he catches you, things will change.  

    Your subconscious sees faults in this new person that you have not allowed yourself to see.  

    This does not have to be a physical relationship, it could be a boss, it could be a pastor, teacher, or new male friend.  Because of your kind nature, I think your subconscious really is protective of you and wants to bring this to the forefront.  (I think your friend was really another part of you)

    Best of luck to you.  This was definitely a weird dream!!!

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