
Weird dream #2. what does it mean?

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Dream 2

I was at my friend "Katies" house, and her sister was babysitting us. Her house was old, and we heard someone walking around upstairs. Then her sister yelled "Get out of the house or I'll kill you whoever you are!" Then we heard banging up stairs and she said "Okay I'm coming up there!!" then she got a broom and was about to go up the stairs when we got into the hallway we looked into the kitchen before we went up, and a huge bloody knife came flying an inch close to our faces and got stuck in the wall next to the stairs. Then we heard evil laughing and I woke up. Then I couldnt go back to sleep that night cause it felt like someone was watching me the whole time... --what does this one mean??--




  1. Do you pray?  Do you remember God?  Do you recognize your blessings and give thank?.  Sounds to me from these dreams that you are being harassed by nightmares.  Nightmares are the work of the devil.  These will not stop until you rectify your spirit.


  2. To see your friends in your dream, signifies aspects of your personality that you have rejected, but are ready to integrate these rejected part of yourself.  Additionally, this symbol foretells of happy tidings from them and the arrival of good news. And her sister symbolizes a nurturing character. To see an intruder in your dream, represents your feelings of guilt. the kitchen in your dream, signifies your need for warmth and spiritual nourishment. the stairs are that you are achieving a higher level of understanding. the knife may be symbolic of something divisive in your life. You may be attempting to cut ties or sever some relationship. and  to hear evil, demonic laughing in your dream, represents feelings of humiliation and/or helplessness

  3. It could mean that you are afraid of intruders.

    Or that you feel like something like that could happen to you.

    These kinds of dreams are common and are usually triggered by horror movies or experiences where you were frightened in a situation where you were home alone.

  4. i know u are making it up and who ever gave me thumbs down is gonna get a beatin

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