
Weird dream I had a couple of months ago...?

by Guest60163  |  earlier

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Okay, so I was in this forest and it was a greyish-blah color like right before it's nighttime and there's this circular clearing that I'm standing in and in front of me are these abandoned nests full of these poor little chicks and some are dead,sick or close to dying and it's just this huge pile of nests and chicks, and I'm trying throw little bird feed-ish stuff that was chick edible(lol) but then these big crows/ravens start flying at my face and I can feel them pecking at my eyes and what not but everything's black and i can't see:[ Know what it meant?




  1. maybe ur scared of birds! :) lol jk ok really maybe u feel like u need to help people, and maybe other people r getting in the way

  2. Hello Stef,

    First, let me tell you that I have read and heard numerous dreams in my time and this one dream is the most disturbing, the most upsetting dream I have heard.  I'll not be able to shake this off today.  I've read the above answers and though Mr. Dragonfly has made a good attempt at deciphering it accordng to the knowledge he has, the statement at the end that it may or may not be true nullifies his interpretation.  In fact, I find it quite erroneous as all that detail is most unnecessary.  This dream is very straightforward and I can only hope that you take my response most seriously as this is a most seriously terrible dream.  I do not tell you this for want of best answer.  I have enough best answers under my belt.  I interpret this for you with the intent to warn you to take heed and protect yourself.

    Now, this may have already happened, is happening or will happen.  I only hope it has not occurred.  Only you can know that. There are near you females, they may be from your family or friends, nevertheless, these women are in extreme spiritual poverty, mind you, I say spiritual poverty, meaning they have little conscience, are individuals that are useless to you, without benefit, quite base really.  You have decided to give them the time of day out of your good-heartedness.  Please know that what you do is useless, there is no hope for these women.  They are already stricken with some spiritual malady.  Your involvement with these females with bring you into contact with perverse, lying, irreligious males who will not allow the good you have to offer and in fact will cause you to lose your way, if not your spiritual integrity. This pecking out of the eyes is what is highly disturbing because it is an extremely bad omen, in fact one of the worst in dreams.  Snakes, lizard, dying in dreams are not as substantial as this particular event.  Beware Stef, whoever is around you will cause you to lose your way, will take you on a perverse and wicked path.  I cannot stress to you enough how bad these females and males are who you are with.  Lose a leg, an arm, an eye but not your good spirit.  Whoever you are near and attempting to assist or befriend, it may be either or, do stay away from them as they will cause you to lose your way, if not your spirit.

    That you have dwelt upon this dream enough to write it down here tells me that you do still have strength of sprit.  Do not let perverse, lying people take that away or mislead you into destruction.

    Writing this has been trying.  I can only hope you heed my words.

    God bless you.  Best of luck


  3. First, let me explain the symbolism. Dreaming of a forest means that you are going though a phase in your life. If you are lost in the forest (which you appear to be) means that you are searching inside yourself for answers.The color gray means that you may feel emotionally detached from everyone else. The clearing which was circular means that you feel you are going around in circles.Chickens (even baby chickens) represent gossip. Crows represent annoying habits. Your face represents your reputation and your eyes represent you ability to see yourself as you are. Being blinded represents your refusal to see the truth.

    Now the interpretation. Some situation has happened that involves gossip (the chickens), either you talking about others or others talking about you. I have a feeling that someone has been talking about you. This has caused some negativeness in your life and you are having a hard time figuring out who you really are (being lost in the forest and the circular clearing). You are worried that what others have said about you is true and rather than be upset with those who have said things about you, you refuse to see the truth (crows pecking at your eyes and face-the very thing that makes you, you) about these people and about yourself.

    I may be wrong about this interpretation but I'm hoping some of it is correct. Try to raise your self-esteem and stop worrying about what other people say. Just be yourself. Good luck.

  4. Could mean totally random or symobolize some kind of frustration or dilema that you were trying to deal with at the time.

  5. You have recently been trying to be helpfull in life and someone has turned you down. Or an event has occured that has made you stop a daily routine.

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