
Weird dream? Please help!?

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Last night I had a dream that I was in the bathtub with a guy and we were making out, and it was like I was actually kissing somebody! And then...well you know! When "that" was over I got out of the bathtub, put on a robe and I looked over and saw one of my friends in a robe, (but I dont talk to her much now because she hangs out with the wrong people). Then, the next thing I know is im in a jogging outfit, across some highway, I walk across it. Then I try to get into this apartment, so I look under the Welcome rug, find a key and get in the apartment. Then I saw my aunt standing there. I asked her "Did you get the bathroom fixed?" She told me to go look at it. When I did, I saw my Great Aunt in the bathtub and my little sister running around. My aunt that redid the bathroom said, "Yeah, daddy told me purple wasn't bright enough but I used it anyway." The bathroom was done in all lime green and purple. Then, I went into the kitchen, and I saw the guy that was in the "bathtub" with me, and he had a girl standing the hugging up to him while he was fixing a sandwich, he said to my aunt in a mean way, "You should ask her (he pointed the knife in his hand to me) what she did today?" Then she looked at me and I remember not feeling scared. But then I woke up. So why do you think I had this dream and would you please interpret it for me!? Thanks!




  1. Usually bathrooms are about hidden things.  But to have a pleasurable encounter and then be blamed seems like you feel guilty about something.  Is there something that you may have forgotten and are now ready to deal with?  If so don't deal alone the people in your dream are aspects of yourself but they also represent the amount of support you need.  

    Good luck.

  2. it looks like a whole t.v. show the way u put it! lol

  3. Hm. Weird.

  4. Wow. This can mean alot.....A few ideas could be. 1 You feel bad about not talking to your friend 2. Your sad that your not in a relationship(sorry im going with very basic stuff) :)

  5. The girl you don't talk to anymore what was she doing? Was she sitting or standing? did she look sad? If she did the I think you need to talk to her. If she's with the wrong type of people then you have to be the outcast and talk to her maybe something is seriously wrong with her but she can't talk to the other people about.

    The color of the bathroom means something. Light green or lime green are color of sickness. That's why you see little smiley faces green when it mean sick. Purple as weird as this sounds can mean a child. And knowing you saw your little sister maybe she's sick. But purple can also mean independence, ambition, and mystery. When your Aunt says "Yeah, daddy told me purple wasn't bright enough but I used it anyway." This is a reflection of you. Maybe your Purple side of life is too much. You have to change maybe you're being too fake because if you continue you're going to lose the ones you love. There's nothing wrong with being independent, and ambitious. But when people are they usually alone if not they lie and places themselves over other because you would place yourself first even if you have a love one. This will push away most people. And by the way it ends it seems like you did. This is all i got. I hope it helped even if its just a bit.  

  6. sometimes u just have weird dreams, it happens to me alot! :) maybe it means that ur "guy" will betray u

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