Last night I had a dream that I was in the bathtub with a guy and we were making out, and it was like I was actually kissing somebody! And then...well you know! When "that" was over I got out of the bathtub, put on a robe and I looked over and saw one of my friends in a robe, (but I dont talk to her much now because she hangs out with the wrong people). Then, the next thing I know is im in a jogging outfit, across some highway, I walk across it. Then I try to get into this apartment, so I look under the Welcome rug, find a key and get in the apartment. Then I saw my aunt standing there. I asked her "Did you get the bathroom fixed?" She told me to go look at it. When I did, I saw my Great Aunt in the bathtub and my little sister running around. My aunt that redid the bathroom said, "Yeah, daddy told me purple wasn't bright enough but I used it anyway." The bathroom was done in all lime green and purple. Then, I went into the kitchen, and I saw the guy that was in the "bathtub" with me, and he had a girl standing the hugging up to him while he was fixing a sandwich, he said to my aunt in a mean way, "You should ask her (he pointed the knife in his hand to me) what she did today?" Then she looked at me and I remember not feeling scared. But then I woke up. So why do you think I had this dream and would you please interpret it for me!? Thanks!