
Weird dream!!!!!!!! help

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I need help figuring out what my dream ment?Ok my dream went like this..:

i was at my house and i some how knew i was going to be hanged by this powerful guy that was evil next week on Tuesday or some where around there and my dad gave me up to the guy so it is his fault im about to die and i ask my sister what he said to the man and she told me he said stuff i forgot and that i was L*****n (WHICH IM NOT) and so the guy was going to kill me i got mad and through everything around and said im not why would he say that! and i was like where is dad and my sister said at work in Dallas and a few sec. later i saw him walk down stairs and i went to talk to him in private in his office about it and he was talking (i forgot what he said) and went to dig around in a drawer and i thought he might find some thing to kill me so i grabbed him and hugged him..

End of dream..what does this dream mean??




  1. You are being accused of things you didn't do that sometimes hurts your personality and reputation. And your father is probably trying to pay off a debt. Is he?

  2. You are in search of your identity. Sometimes trying to be taken, as a mature adult seems to be fruitless.  You feel your dad can't accept the fact that you are no longer a child.  This feels suffocating, since you have a hard time talking about your feelings, he dismisses or doesn't listen to you.

    Sit down with him; talk calmly, but assertively; and don't clam down.

    good luck

  3. you seem to be all over the place in this dream so i am going to start with the relationship between you and your father and sister.

    you blamed him because you felt that he sold you out to the person that wanted to kill you. you most likely feel that your father cares more for your sister then yourself.

    your sister has always been able to get away with her actions towards you weither its by speading rumors about you are by coming between you and your dad.

    the fear for you life comes from not trusting your father.  at one of time in your life you were really betrayed by your father and you haven't forgiven him yet.

    but you have tried to forget about it and to pretend like your not hurt by it.

    at the end of your dream you are trying to reach out to him to stop him from hurting you again.

    you figured that if you showed him that you have moved past the hurt that he would try to build a relationship with you again and would not continue to hurt you.

    when have been hurt by your family sometimes your mind tries to block out the hurt, but when you are dreaming your body is trying to tell you to work this out.

    look back at when you noticed a change in you relationship with both your father and your sister.

    then try to work throught the events to rebuild your relationship with them

    the one thing i didn't touch on was death..

    death symbloizes the end .. it doesn't always mean are person is going to die.. your case death is the end ..

    when you dont trust you end a relationship..

    thats why you see death in the same area as your father.. you feel there is no contection and you want that you want your father to love you the way a father should.

  4. You aren't being/feeling valued, especially by guys.  Tell me if I'm wrong.

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