
Weird dream i have all the time.?

by  |  earlier

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Ok i have this certain dream i always get. {well the first time i had that dream was like 3 years ago. then i had it again, but it doesnt come that often.} Well i had a dream that i was playing a scary game game on playstation. And the game take took place in my old house, a house that i lived in like when i was 1 till i was like 10. And in the game, one of the character is me. And it took place in one of the bathrooms in my old house, and then like a guy, a very tall pale guy raised a knife over my head while i was in the bathroom [i wasnt peein or anythin, i was just hidin in the bathroom for... idk] so he raised a knife over my head, and i kept pushing pause on the playstation controll. and it would pause for 1 second then it would go again. And i kept pushin pause, and pause, and pause! but it just stop for 1 second. Then i wake up b4 he stabs me. Does anyone know what this means?! help!!




  1. It means you were once afraid of something you had no control over (Lack of pause ability) in your childhood home. I'd suggest you should speak to someone you lived in that house with to find out what scared you in it: Revealing that memory should stop / lessen the subliminal impact of the dream. That, or you should stop playing scary playstation games right before you fall asleep.  :)

  2. Maybe your trying not to let your past fears touch you, but they seem to keep catching up to you. Accept them.

  3. well the first time u got this dream may be because u played the game or something...or u thought of something that reminded u of that

    dreams are a mysterious thing because they keep comin back

    another thing is that this dream doesnt mean anything so dont be scared...dreams in which your almost gona die and then the dreams stop are called nightmares dont worry about it

  4. The dream might suggest something happened to you in the bathroom of your old house.  It is difficult to say what but whatever it was you felt threatened and he was pushing you into doing something and you kept attempting to stop the action.

    The is little more that I say with this information.  It seems like this dream does represent some significant situation in your past since you have dream it numerous time.   If it really bothers you, you might want to talk to someone about it such as a Counselor.  If it does not bother or cause any problems then you could just leave it alone.

    Let me know if this helps.

  5. Well i dont actualy know why you have that dream it actualy happens to me too. When I have a scary dream I pray to god. Once i had a bad dream and I was scared but then I prayed and I never had that dream again. Are you christion? Well I am, you know if you are not christion you need to have god in your life. Its a very good feeling to have him, if you dont you always have an empty spot in your heart. So maybey if you pray and start bieng christion you wont ever have that dream in your life again.

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