
Weird dream involving cement, death, babies, and an old lady?

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in the dream, i got a job helping this old lady. She showed me under her counter and her daughter was kept under there because she had a mole, like the animal, growing out of her stomache. The daughter had babies and they were covered in cement. There was also a cement covered chicken. The old lady showed me a video of the babies getting baptized but it was actually a priest holding them up the putting them in a bath tub of cement. Later on I told the police and there was something weird, and then it went off where my friend and me were at a phone booth for a few hours so she could get cheap plane tickets. It was really really weird, any idea's what this could mean?




  1. Stop huffing paint, that's what it means.

  2. Well, I know what your dream means, but the meaning absolutely baffles me. I hope it makes sense to you!

    There's some element of your spirituality, your walk with God that is very heavy right now.

    Lemme break it down: sometimes in dreams, strangers or even others that we know can represent facets of ourselves. The daughter is you.

    Now attached to the daughter's stomach is a mole (animal that burrows UNDERGROUND) and the babies of this daughter are covered in cement. Cement, also, is associated with the ground and is heavy.

    Babies in this situation would be new ideas or new projects that are being started or considered right now. It sounds like your new ideas aren't taking off. Even the chicken (a flightless animal, right?) is covered in cement. The daughter is UNDER the counter and everything is heavy and associated with being stuck on the ground.

    In your dream, you seem to ask where all the cement came from. Well, it's from the priest. The priest baptized the babies (new ideas and projects) in cement, grounding them.

    To contrast this, you and your friend go to a phone booth to figure out how you can defy gravity and fly-- and do it for cheap. This is where you'd like to be. You'd like your relationship with God to fly!

    So here's what I'd suggest:

    1) Take time every morning to talk to God, Jesus,the Holy Spirit, whomever of the three you like. Talk to him like you would a friend on the phone.

    2) Read your Bible while you eat breakfast, or lunch, if you prefer. Journal down things that you learn from whatever you read. Start somewhere interesting, don't start somewhere hard like Ezekiel.

    3) Jesus says in one of those gospels that his yoke is easy and his burden is light, not concrete. Pray to him before bed that he would lighten your yoke and handle this new thing you're pursuing.

    I don't know what could be so crippling about your spirituality right now, but I hope it become evident to you and maybe some detail of the dream is able to help you sort it out.


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