
Weird dream of me being eaten...?

by  |  earlier

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I don't remember much but what I remember I was in some sort of concert and a big person got me and chewed off my head and I saw my head being digested through it's intestines. It wasn't a scary dream just weird. Can anyone help me out?




  1. Dreams reflect how you feel and your life, to me your dream would suggest that you feel someone is controlling you, you are being *consumed* by something bigger than yourself. You say you werent scared in a situation that merits fear, this would suggest you arent scared of this which could be good or bad, reflect and ask yourself if theres anyone or anything that you feel is controlling you or eating away at you

  2. what do u want help w/? figuring out wut it means? or what?

  3. This is easy.  There are people speaking about you in your absence.  Slanderous and backbiting talk is taking place about you.  You will come or already know this.


  4. be nice, rub some salt in your hair next time.

  5. musta been a crummy concert.  Maybe your head was in the way of this guy and he couldnt he ate it.  If it wasn't scary, it means you aint scared of people biting your head off.

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