
Weird dreams alot?

by  |  earlier

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Ok, I was wondering if anyone knew anything about my reoccuring dreams, I don't mean every night but I have them alot. My dreams always start out normal and calm but then they always I'm trapped in a building, always different buildings, like if Im dreaming of school, its there, If Im dreaming of work...there. But I will look outside and there is the walking dead out there, like zombies. And they notice I'm in there and they try to enter to get me. These dreams freak me out so much I wake up with a heavy heart beat and I can barely breath. This happens frequently




  1. This sounds like something that happened to you in a past life.  Before you go to bed, reassure yourself that that dream was your part of your past life and that you are safe and free from the past.

  2. dont drink booze before bed.  It just make you wake up with a headache.  You just have some stuff bugging you in RL is all.  no worry about it, cause you'll figure out what it is and make it better

  3. These dreams probably mean that you have a lot on your mind and that you feel trapped. Take some time out for yourself. Take a trip or something. If time or money won't allow you to do that read a good book [I personally love Full Frontal Feminism but it's my 'type' of book], drink a little wine, treat yourself to dinner, give yourself a pedicure, something that calms your nerves. Just remember in all of your everyday stress, be sure to take care of yourself.
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