
Weird dreams.. could someone tell me what they mean?

by Guest34236  |  earlier

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Recently I've been having extremely strange dreams... usually I don't even remember my dreams, but I have recently had two that are fairly clear. I'm not sure why, but I fell it's trying to tell me something... (I know, that's stupid, but I fell like it's important.) The first one, I can only remember slightly the second... scares me a bit.

The first one, really the only thing I remember is the line "Her smile brings joy to others, but the happiness it holds is not her own." And I remember seeing a young girl, maybe about 5 or 6 with very sad eyes, but would always smile. And then I just blank out.

The second, scared me a little. I remember a girl who resembled me slightly in her home. It was dark and it seemed.. deserted. She walked over to a table and picked up a mirror. Whe she looked into it she didn't see her reflection but a dark figure and then she dropped the mirror, breaking it. When I woke up I had a distinct feeling of dread and forelorning. I'll continue in details.




  1. a breaking of a mirror is a sign of sad times ahead and/or trouble period ahead..but the smile is a sign of a favour owed to you in the good...

  2. sometimes i have weird dreams to and its becuase i have something on my mind or im sad or mad about something

  3. The dream suggests your insecurities about some future event.  It may include some young people but the dark figure is more likely your anxiety over how you will handle the situation that any prediction of possible harm.  How you handle things will be up to you and you do bring joy to others but you need to also feel the joy in your life.

    Let me know if this helps.

  4. The little girl smiles to please others.  She lives to make someone else happy.  She is not happy herself, but lives to keep someone else satisfied with her.  Most likely her mother.  Maybe her dad.

    So, she holds no happiness of her own in that smile.  She is trying to carry happiness for someone else in that smile.  She feels the burden of someone else's happiness.

    She either had a very demanding parent whom she could never please, or she had a seriously depressed parent, and lived in fear of that sadness that consumed this person she loved.

    The little girl in the second dream lives in darkness.  She looks in the mirror, and what she sees is not her true self.  It is the spirit of depression that haunts her, and will haunt her adult self.  

    Perhaps dropping the mirror is a good thing,   She needs to be freed from that dark spirit and find her own true smile reflected in a room and mirror lit by truth.

    Is this little girl you?

    The darkness is too much for you.  That is why you blank out in the dream.  You don't want to face the past, and you fear a future filled with nothing but darkness.  

    Pray that God will turn on the light for you.  Pray that He will deliver you from this spirit of heaviness of heart, this depression.  I agree with you in this prayer, so that makes two of us!

    Ask God to show you yourself as He sees you.   Ask Him every day to do this.  Ask Him to show you His love for you.

    I pray for you... for joy, for peace, for freedom of heart and mind.



  5. A brief opinion:

    You indeed are being given an important insight.

    First dream:  your inner child, your young self, is alive in your memories.  It loves, it loves you, and forgives you, for not championing her, you, your inner love, joy, tenderness, caring, purity, and truthfulness.  It forgives you for not healing her tendencies towards ignorance, sloth, etc.

    Second dream:  like the ghost of Christmas future in Dickens' very insightful (and similar) "A Christmas Carol," unchecked, an even more ignorant, woeful, and abusive because neglectful of her inner sense, innocence, figure is outpictured.

    Breaking the mirror signifies loss of contact with real childlike self, the "adulteration" of "phonyness" which J. D. Salinger somewhat brusquely portrayed in his "The Catcher in the Rye."

    1-800-525-LOVE is one free, licensed counseling service.

    However, if you simply begin to remember your better self, champion, defend, and nurture it, keep at one with your childlike joys, and seek to heal childishness, you will be doing much.

    Some interesting books:

    "The Path of the Higher Self," Mark Prophet,

    "Expecting Adam," Martha Beck,

    "The Overachievers," Alexandra Robbins,

    "Testimony of Light," Helen Greaves,

    "The Great Divorce," C. S. Lewis,

    "Emotions," Marilyn C. Barrick, Ph.D.

    "Mindset," Dr. Carol Dweck,

    "The Reincarnation of Edgar Cayce?", Free and Wilcock,

    "Hope's Boy," Andrew Bridge,

    "Watch Your Dreams," Ann Ree Colton,

    "The Master of Lucid Dreams," Dr. Olga Kharitidi,

    "Man, Master of His Destiny," O. M. Aivanhov, and

    "Babies Remember Birth," David Chamberlain, Ph.D.

  6. "Her smile brings joy to others, but the happiness... is not her own"...  It could mean that you need to pay some attention to yourself instead of others for a while.

    The second one is really weird. I don't know about the whole dark figure thing. Maybe it symbolizes something you don't like about the past about yourself?

    Could you help me with mine?;...

  7. that's pretty deep. I'm not a dream idk. Maybe the little girl is you? And the dark figure could be how you perceive yourself? And the house being deserted could be your relationship with family or friends or something? I have no idea, i'm just taking shots in the dark here.

  8. Your thinking to hard about this... You only had this dream one night, yes? If you had it a couple times, then you should ask questions about if its trying to tell you something. But for now, its just a dream...

  9. It means you don't think you are as PRETTY outside as you feel on the INSIDE...........get over yourself you are WAY TOO VAIN.......the girl is YOU or your IMAGE ........which you are not happy with..........

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