
Weird dreams...what is the meaning?

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First I dreamed I witnessed someone, one of my accquantinces but not friends doing something horrible. They didn't get caught, and I was about to turn them in. For some reason the situation got flipped and I ended up defending him. I had to move out of my house, live like a homeless person. The second part of the dream is me fishing with a bow and arrow. I don't think I ever caught a fish.




  1. well i have had weird dreams but i dont think they mean anything.  my friend had a dream that she was on the tour bus with the jonas brothers but that doesnt mean anything. although she is going to see them in concert... (btw they make me gag).

  2. Actually, you dream weird stuff like this all the time because your mind is processing images and thoughts all the time, even when you sleep. You must now be remembering your dreams because you wake up to use the bathroom or something. Having sweets and sugar can do this to.

  3. Dreams just happen when you think about something or what happened to you that day. Maybe it means you will die soon.

  4. You might be having troubles with your life and your brain is all messed up, filled with a lot of things, your accquantince might be somebody you might not like. And maybe you have a bad job and you may want to guit but that will happen if you quit. Dreams are really complicated and you may want to see someone who can interput this. I've been having some kinda weird dreams also so your not the only one.

  5. Dreams never mean what we think they mean, although we work out our problems in our waking life whle we are sleeping. Is there someone in your life right now who is behaving in a way that is opposed to what you believe? Do you feel judgement towards them? Is it possible that you are being asked through your dream to see another side of a story? To see another point of view?

    As far as the bow and arrow go--It could indicate that something in your life you are trying to accomplish, you are going about in a roundabout way--a way which is the road less travelled. Traveling the road that is less traveled makes all the difference.

    maybe the whole dream has to do with seeing things from a nother perspective, and possibly approaching a problem that is existing in your life presently, in an "out of the box" sort of way, rather than a traditional or trusted one.

    Dreams are gifts! They give us an opportunity to look at things head on, in a roundabout way.

    Best wishes!

  6. idk dreams can be EXTREMELY weird... take a second & think back, have you thought about anything that happened in your dream lately? like have you been thinking about fish for some reason or your friends doing something or anything?

    whatever is on your conscious is what your dreams are about. think real hard...& it might comes back 2 u.

    well hope this helps...& i'm sure it's not anything  "bad."


  7. maybe just a crazy dream some times you have those or it was somthing youve been thinking about

  8. i agree with bored_... and you are not going to die soon that guy is retarded

  9. its your mind trying to predict what could happen in the future. Its not like as if its psychic but it can be called deja-vu. This is when something happens you remember it happening but in your dreams perhaps. Its just your mind going through all the possibilities of what is bound to happen, its like a warning basically. You should take them seriously but not over the top.  Its your sub-conscious mind coming together with your conscious mind. I hope that makes sense.

  10. The first part says that you have suspicions towards this acquaintance and you have a conflicted moral attitude towards them, you're not exactly sure what you would do if caught in a situation where you needed to make a moral choice, you are worried how it would affect yourself as well as other friends that know this person. When the situation gets flipped, it shows your uncertainty about how you will handle the situation.

    Losing your house symbolizes the fear you have of retribution from others or consequences of your actions if you make the wrong choice.

    The fishing symbolizes you fighting to right yourself and getting past the events and 'surviving'; moving on. The bow and arrow shows you that it is something unfamiliar within yourself but that you can adapt and overcome.

    I just made up everything I wrote, btw. Might have just been some bad sushi you at made you have weird dreams.

  11. lol nothing. maybe you were stressful or disturb when you are going to sleep.

    i sleep talk every time i am stressfull. when i was in residence at university, i had lots of homework and i sleep talked so much and my roomates did too.

    when i came back home for summer i didint do it once.

    maybe you were stressfull, or just was not in your normal mood thus disturbing your sleeping habits.

    all dreams dont mean anything.

    but this differs cultures to cultures. in my culture lol, if you dream about a house burning, then that means a person in your family or close relatives daughter will come to age.

    you just had a vey very normal dream lol. nothing to be scared about sweety.

    its cute how you are curious to find about this. cute!

    when you go to sleep, relax your mind and with happiness then you would have sweet dreams like you! :)

  12. Supposedly dreams have a meaning what ever they are. Certain objects or people in your dreams can mean certain things that might be going on in your life. Yesterday, I had a dream of some people that I never saw in a long time, but yet they appeared in my dream. The fish generally means that you are having good luck in your life. But there could me more to your dream though that could interpret how you are feeling or what is going on in your life.

  13. Dreams have no real meaning...

  14. The first part of the dream sounds as though it's role reversal.  You're seeing people in your life how they are on the outside, how they present themselves or how other people perceive them, but yet you can't help but wonder what they're really like.  You are questioning the people around you and subconsciously second-guessing your friendships and acquaintances.

    The second part is very interesting.  You are a hunter but using the incorrect tool for the give job.  You do not catch anything because you are either using the wrong tools or hunting the wrong prey.  This might translate to your work and your skill set.  Maybe you're using your talents in the wrong area of your life.  Regroup and review.

  15. Perhaps you were reading a strange book that had to do with these incidents.

  16. i think i know what your talking about... i have dreams like this. i had a dream my friend got a girlfriend next thing you know the day after that he got the girlfriend. you might have just foresaw the future best you be carefull with your life ahead of you.  if any thing like this happens in the real life might have to become homeless and fish... best of luck

  17. I don't think there is any meaning to these dreams. I have weird dreams all the time

  18. I'm just guessing here :P

    Maybe it means that you're going to have a very hard decision coming up soon. Whether it be related to friends or not. And it was showing you what will happen if you make the wrong choice (not necessairily that you will become homeless..but that there will be VERY negative reprocussions)

    And the second one could be that soon you will be given a task that seems impossible, but is able to be done with some thinking.

    Or...they could mean nothing :-P

  19. weird dreams can simply be because you ate or drank something before bed. Or it could show you something inside of you for instance, maybe one of your friends is doing something  bad and need your help. About you having to move out, its probably just saying that you stand up for what you believe in....

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