
Weird knot/lump on lower neck

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I've had this knot/lump about 4 inches below the lowest part of my neck. when i touch it its very hard. It looks weird.

Is this a knot/!?!?!?!? Or is this some other thing?! someone told me that you can have calcium build up back there but i don't drink alot of milk. But this has been there for quite a while.




  1. A few weeks back, i had a large knot in the same area for months. I had the odd light headache, from time to time. And every so often my eyes would hurt/ache.

    I made an appointment to see a Chiropractor, knots is now gone so are the odd headaches and no eyes no longer hurt.

    Mine came due to stress from work, and sleeping with the wrong pillow.

  2. srry to say this, but it could be cancer. the same thing happened to my grandfather, and he went to the dr, and it was cancer.

  3. could be too much stress that is building up but you should definitely go to a doctor just to make sure

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