
Weird moods...can I overcome it?

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Alright, lately, I started having these weird moods starting around this year (I just started middle school lately) and my moods have changed so suddenly. I'm usually like a hyper-active, fun loving, confident person. My life good. However, then I'll start feeling from top of the world to practically depressed. I've thought about slitting my wrists before. (I thought about it and realised it was a stupid idea, because you can die, parents would freak out...) and I can get so annoyed with my parents, like if they tell me something, I'll get ticked off.

But I'll feel like life is passing me by, and I'm missing out, and that I'm just not the same person I was.




  1. ur just becoming a moody teenager. dnt worry, itll pass. im like that. just think happy thots (im serious it works!!) and count 5 seconds b4 u say anythn when ur mad

  2. Well,  a lot of kids your age experience mood swings, changes in body/mood/feelings.  It might just be typical adolescent changes, but you can't know that by talking to strangers on the internet. If you really can't go to a "shrink" for some reason, talk to a school counselor or teacher.  Describe your feelings and thoughts to that person; if you can find an adult who has lots of experience with kids your age, you might get the reassurance that you need.

    Hey, talk to your friends, too!  I bet you are not alone in this.

  3. Hey man, listen. I had some issues when I was younger, and they'll probably come and go until you're about 15 or 16. It's hard to get over, but you will one day. It just takes a long time to grow up, I guess. I don't know if there's much you can do but live out your angsty teenage life. Try getting into something, like music/sports/painting/biking/ whatever! Doing cool sh*t always helps.

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