
Weird motor sports

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For some reason a lot of people have an addiction to speed. They have the innate desire to go fast no matter what they are driving. That desire translates well in the sports world with many crazy sports coming to fruition over the years. When it comes to motorsports, the need to drive anything that goes fast can easily be turned into a sport. Maybe not a serious sport but nonetheless a sport still. Some of the more plausible variations of motorsports get to become proper sport but there are still a large number of weird and crazy motorsports out there.
The reasons for having a desire to go fast is inbuilt in some people, they need to go fast in whatever they do in their lives, be it work or driving a very fast car at a very high speed. When that desire gets translated into the weirder side of people’s imaginations, some strange results are born. One of the more normal motorsports out there is truck racing. I say normal but who am I kidding, we are talking about 10 tonne trucks racing around a track with a tank of nitrous oxide installed to give them added boost. Now if anyone as seen the size of a truck driving anywhere they know that something that big is very hard to control at normal speeds, but when the speed starts to creep up it gets harder and harder to control. It is a testament to the driving abilities of these racing truck drivers that they are able to keep these monstrous beasts on track and actually try to win a race. Now adding a tank of nitrous oxide in the back of the truck is meant to give the truck added boost and propel it at even higher speeds. This is used to speed up the trucks to overtake other trucks because as we all know something that big and heavy doesn’t have the best acceleration times.
Another odd motorsport, well at least to me, is snowmobile racing. This is a winter sport, obviously, with numerous snowmobiles being driven around a track to see who can win against each other. The strange thing about this sport is that the track has jumps incorporated into it and so the snowmobiles besides having to compete for first place have to also do a series of jumps and land safely without crashing their snowmobiles in the process. As if the pressure of having to race a snowmobile wasn’t enough by adding jumps and sharp bends doesn’t make the process any easier for the drivers. That doesn’t deter the drivers who come out every season to compete for the top prizes and it doesn’t deter the fans either who follow the races religiously. How this very interesting and unique sport came about is the subject for another article.
Then we can get into the ridiculous with the very odd sport of lawn mower racing. This crazy sport is a combination of a motorsport and good fun at the same time. Drivers drive their lawn mowers around an oval track with the blades removed for safety purposes and they compete head to head against other drivers riding their own lawn mowers. Taken from: (http://www. How is this a sport, how fast can a person go exactly in a lawn mower, and why would anyone want to? It boggles the mind when one thinks about the craziness that people go through and then come up with something like lawn mower racing. I can just imagine the origins of this craziness now. Two guys sitting on their lawns in their respective lawn mowers call out to each other that they are bored, they both look at each other then at their lawn mowers and voila a sport is born. They go tearing through their lawns trying to beat each other to a designated finish line somewhere. People must be really bored to come up with something like that in their free time. Well if they didn’t I wouldn’t have been able to add a third example to this article and so for that reason and that reason alone, I thank those two individuals whoever they were and wherever they came from for inventing the crazy sport of lawn mower racing. It doesn’t seem to end their more and more people find themselves bored and with nothing to do every day and soon we will have even crazier motorsports emerging.
Let’s hope chainsaw racing isn’t invented because that will be a serious health and safety concern for the organisers.


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