
Weird noises at night?

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hey im wondering if any1 heard that kind of "train" noises in the night but theres no train it in the space or something?




  1. I actually have a train near by, however sometimes I think that I hear it, look out the window and it isn't there. I think that if your head is on a pillow, you can hear all sorts of things like, plumbing, fridge, things turning on and off. I have excelent hearing, maybe get your hearing checked. You might be able to hear things that other people do not.

  2. I hear them to but i live in ther railroad capital of Michigan! But @my old house i used to hear these and i lived 10-15 mi. from a train!

    Help plz! -;...

  3. Oh my god!

    i thought i was the only one.

    i told my parents but they don't believe me... they come out like  11 or 12. huh...

    there's Definitely no trains near here.

  4. It could have been a combination of noises all at once.  Like a truck and wind making noise at once.  Maybe there was a car driving by and there was something caught under the vehicle.


  6. Hello,

    That's interesting, especially since you say there are no trains near by. May I suggest that you get a voice/sound activated tape recorder and try to capture the sound with it. They run right around $30.00. It may be possible that you are hearing a train far off in the distance, or who knows? It may be some sort of phenomena that only a few get to experience.

    I did see something on TV some years ago about people who were hearing humming sounds that others couldn't hear.

    As for your parents not being able to hear it...when some of us get older, our hearing diminishes drastically and some sounds on higher frequencies are not easily detected and most older people will not admit they don't hear as well as they use to.

    You may want to check to see if there's a military base close to your home too. It is possible that what you are hearing is some sort of military air transportation. They do have night time exercises for their flight training.

    Good luck and hope you are able to find the source soon.

  7. I think that your working place ,school, or Uni

    is close to a railway  so you are used to hear this noise.

    When you are at home it happens that  you hear any noise not necessary  to be a train ,and you think it is a train.

    Don't worry :)

    This is what i think.

    I hope i was helping.
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