
Weird numbers keep calling my house all of a sudden?

by  |  earlier

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This has never happened before, but we are getting quite a few calls a day from these weird numbers, like "000-0000" and "123-4567" and stuff like that.

We haven't picked up any of these calls, but they are getting very annoying. Does anyone know who might be calling and how to stop these calls?




  1. Sounds like someone is trying to sell you something. I have received calls that show up as my own number calling me. What you are experiencing is someone "caller id spoofing." Most of the time those type calls will be from people outside of the country.

  2. 123-456-7890 is skype......the other ones might be also SIP will show 777-777-7777

    many idiots are using the computer to prank call you, because there is not much you can do about it! Some use caller ID spoofing calling cards.....try to use *77 ACR which is anonymous call rejection....that might help some....!

    Three years ago I got myself a callerID manager, now I have peace in my life!!

    I know its kinda pricey but it works!

  3. I dont know how to stop it but this could be serious cause i watched a show and a guy was calling everytime and the girl didn't know and in the end he sneaks in her house and kills her so be careful try calling someone over to stay with you or call the police and they will probly track down the number.

  4. My guess is they are solicitors... Because I was having that happen to me all the time.  Also check with your phone company they may be able to help

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