
Weird pain in chest (like dull stabbing), fast heart beat, feeling as if I could throw up with no prompt?

by Guest57491  |  earlier

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For the past two days I've been having this weird constricting feeling in my chest and then suddenly it feels like a dull object is stabbing into my heart for about 5 seconds, and then it's all gone, no constriction or anything. Sometimes they won't come back for 20 minutes, sometimes they'll come back in 5. For about 10 seconds after that happens, I'll have a fast heartbeat, and then it'll drop down to my resting heart rate, which is around 85. I also have the urge to throw up.

A few days before this, I also had this weird, dull pain under neath my left breast sort of near my heart area.

Honestly, I can't tell if the pain is in my heart, or in my lungs.

Any ideas of what could be wrong with me? Do I need to go to a doctor?




  1. It is probably an anxiety attack.. .however because the symptoms you describe are also very much indicative of a heart attack, I would waste no time but get to the Dr. and let them do an EKG.  Better safe than sorry.  I would also take an aspirin today just in case.

  2. Are u active at all?

    I have the same problems. I went to see a heart doctor. I found out i have an enlarged heart and its rubbing against my chest cavity thing. I had the very same symptoms as you did. If you do have the same problem, its nothing to worry about (so they told me), just something you have to deal with.

    Ive noticed since ive stopped doing sports and working out, it happens less often.  

  3. how old are you?you should see a doctor,probably only anxiety but still see a doctor

  4. Yes is the short answer, go to your doctor and tell him what you have said here.  write down what has occurred if you can as it gives it better than saying.


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