
Weird pain in lower back and spine?

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I've been having a lot of trouble bending down and my spin is hurting very badly. The side of my thighs also hurt. I don't recall hurting myself in anyway. My doctor says I just need rest but it still hurts. What can I do to get rid of the pain?




  1. DO not sit sloweched. I had problems where my back hurt because I slowched down in the computer chair all day. This caused me to have scoliosis.

    ALSO.... THIS IS A BIG THING ... My dad had problems in his lower back for YEARS.Recently, I was laying in my own bed, and I layed down in a way I usually don't. I layd down on my back with my shoulders resting on a pillow. THis caused me to have lower back pain.

    I told my dad about my experience. After which, my dad's back pain which he endured for years was gone!!!

  2. When my lower back is hurting, I make an ice pack and lay on it for 20 minute intervals. Since the sides of your thighs hurt, that tells me that maybe a disc is bulging and pressing on the nerves that run down your leg. You don't want to use heat because that will inflame the nerves and make them worse. If you can, rest a lot. Don't pick up anything heavy and when you have to bend down, bend at the knees, not at the waist. You can take ibuprofen too, as it helps ease swelling. Take care of yourself!

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