
Weird paranormal conection to a church?

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Here is background: I have an "obsession" with Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris. I have been there many times to visit (i am from the US) and each time I feel more and more like I don't want to leave. The last time I was there, I became emotionally overwhelmed and I began to tear up as i approached the church. I could sit and stare for hours. When I am inside I want to stay and explore and touch everything. I want to walk around and find all the hidden places and take it all in. I have many pictures around my house, black and white are most pleasing to me, and I look at them often. I feel mystified as I look at these pics (photographs and posters) I often dream of it where I am with my mom and either we are just in the entrance or I am driving around with her trying to actually get to it. We can see it, but can't get there. My mom is alive, but she has never been to Paris I am just looking for someone that is interested in afterlives or something of that nature to give me suggestions




  1. My advice is just to enjoy the experience, because it's all in your head (like all other paranormal phenomena).

  2. Paris is one of the world's most famous and beautiful cities.  With the exception of the Eiffel Tower, Notre Dame is its most famous site.  There is a reason this site has been a popular one for centuries--Notre Dame is a beautiful and awe-inspiring place.

    I spent 6 weeks traveling Europe and while I saw a lot of amazing things, nothing impressed me quite as much as when I visited Notre Dame.  Paris was my least favorite city of all those I visited, yet it contains one of the most awesome things I've ever seen.  Notre Dame was designed to really impress those who paid it a visit.

    We are impressed in the 21st century, a time of sky scrapers and air travel.  Can you imagine what it was like for a rural peasant to see it for the first time 650 years ago?  I imagine it would have inspired awe and reverence for the Church at the time, in much the same way you are expressing awe and reverence.  However, due to the times, rather than directing your awe for the Church you are assuming there is a paranormal connection.  This connection you feel to the church is not paranormal.

  3. go to

  4. I assume this is more an emotional attatchment than admiration of the architecture. before you go again look up everything you can on its history as some of the information may be useful to you. then ask a caretaker or employee for a guided tour, or an interview. again, the more you know the better off you'll be. I have no idea what manner of life follows death or if there is such thing as reincarnation but there are those who claim to and can perhaps help you. good luck in your search.

  5. I think you should check in to past life regression to see if you were there in the past.  Also you should take me with you next time you go!   LOL!

  6. I used to feel exactly the same way about our church..and I wondered the same things you are wondering.

  7. Maybe you lived there in a previous life

    I don't believe in god but the fact that you do might influence you

  8. As a paranormal investigator, I have no advice for you since this does not appear to be paranormal.

    As a Wiccan however, it does seem you may be connected to this particular church from a past life. It is very possible you were a nun or if you believe we can be born as either s*x, possibly even a priest, or maybe a parishioner. At any rate I do think you were connected to this church in a past life somehow.


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