
Weird phone message?

by  |  earlier

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i have dial up internet. and last nite when i unpluged my pc and checked my phone for mist calls it sead there wher no mist calls..yet when i diald 1 5 71 for messages .there wass one message and it sounded like lots of voices in a pub and the sound of some one gently breathing .there never sead anything and just hung up...when i tried to return the call it sead canot be conected? so what i want to know is how is it posible to be a message but no trace of call..does anyone know how this can happen .does any one work for a phone company that can tell me please phone provider is bt...and i just split with my boyfriend 4 weeks ago..who just happens to work for bt ..usualy bt answer phone says u wer cald today but caller with held no..but in never sead that trace of any mist calls ..just the weird message .im confused ..




  1. it could just be a wrong number..don't worry about it.

  2. If the call was made from a payphone in a pub they generally do not accept incoming calls so this will be the reason why you cannot return the call.

  3. I got a really weird phone message the other day. It was a weird #, and on my voice mail it was some guy who said "Who's Andrea, Huh?, Who's Andrea?" then he hung up. When I called it back it was an Alzheimer's disease research company and the lady said she was glad I called b/c they had an unauthorized phone user in the building that day. Creepy huh!

  4. this is because when you were on the internet, the incoming call was connected directly to the answer phone which is why it did not show up as a missed call. it should still say message received at .... and the time, and then either caller withheld their number or it gives you the number.

  5. its called "left pocket syndrome"

    some one has their phone in their left pocket and they leant on it, and it dialled you, unfortunately i do it some times when i forget to lock the phone.

    worry no more

  6. Its your ex, drunk in the pub, wanting to say something, but hasn't

  7. I get a calls every now and then from people I know with cell phones who happen to sit down or something and bump into something that accidentally pushes Redial or whatever. The call comes in and there's sound in the background. But, the person doesn't realize they just called me.

    Regarding the return call not being connected, they might have turned their phone off and didn't have their call messaging set up.

    I wouldn't worry about it unless it happens a lot from the same number. If it does, then you can call the police and tell them that someone is harassing you. They'll tell you how to proceed.
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