
Weird question about Apple Snails... Really need help?

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Hi I have a 20 gallon tank with one comet goldfish called 'Speedy'. Ammonia and nitrite are 0. Nitrate is 15. Temp: 20degrees Celcius. Filter: Elite Stingray. PH: Dead on 7. All OTHER parameters are OK. NO SALT OR OTHER CHEMICALS ARE ADDED.

I have been keeping Apple Snails in the tank for ages. However, yesterday, I found two of my apple snails completely gone expect for empty shells. Today, my last apple snail was also completely gone expect for his empty shell.

Apple snails can't leave their shells... so where did they go?

PS... Speedy looks slightly fat... So could he be the culprit?




  1. When a snail dies they will sometimes seperate from their shell. It is not a pretty sight. After that happened I saw my goldfish swimming around with in her mouth lol

  2. I have read people using goldfish for snail control.

    And from your case, I think it's very obvious that Speedy ate Do Re Mi.

  3. hi yes the goldfish probably ate it


    1 comet needs 50 gallons minimum

    and finally

    apple snails are not cold water they need to be kept in a tropical setup  

  4. Yup.  Goldfish are opportunistic eaters.  They have been known to eat large snails before.  It may be that one died and your goldfish gave the corpse a nibble and then discovered how delicious apple snails were.  After that the others would have been lunch as soon as it got the chance.

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