
Weird question and something I have always wondered about?

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I remember a man named Uncle Bill when I was a little girl -- he was tall and smelled like Old Spice and cigarettes, and was very loving and friendly. When I got a bit older I asked my grandmother why he never came to visit anymore an she said that he died long before I was born! I thought about it the older I got and realized that he was only visiting when we had gatherings, and my sister said she never met him!! Any theories on why he only came to me and not my sis? We were only 3 years apart, and I was about 4 or 5 when I first saw him and I'm just at a loss. I'd appreciate it if people don't think I'm nuts or mock me, please just try to legitimately answer. Thanks bunches!!!




  1. I'm not sure why you saw him and your sister didn't. Maybe you are just more sensitive or you where more open than she was. I had almost the same experience. When I was three or four I use to ask my mom about the old man that use to sit on him front porch. I could describe everything about him and the house. Turns out he was her grandfather and he died years before I was born.

  2. I've known many people who have had "visitations" from those on the other side. I have had them myself. Yes, children are more likely to have the experiences due to the fact that they generally don't have all the worries and responsibilities (jobs, children, keeping up with the Joneses) that adults do. When your mind is occupied with all these day to day thoughts, you're less likely to perceive anything that is not right here in the visible, touchable world. Children's minds are open and more receptive.

    However, it is my opinion that your Uncle Bill would have been perceived by anyone who was sensitive enough to do so. He was in the midst of many people, adults and children, and you were the one who saw him. Perhaps you are or were more sensitive to these phenomena than your relatives.

  3. Either a real man was coming to your gatherings and you for some reason thought it was your Uncle or hearing people talk of your uncle gave you false memories of meeting him.

    It's quite easy to make little kids 'remember' something that has never occurred.

    Or perhaps a combination of the two.

    Or the third logical reason could be that your grandmother was mistaken in remembering the year that he died.


    Sorry I should have realised that you were not looking for a logical explanation or you would have asked in the psychology section instead of the paranormal.

    Let me try again.

    Little children are very magical and special, their innocence makes them open to spiritual possibilities that are later deprogrammed out of them by our wicked doubting society.

    Despite being completely dead Uncle Bill loved his family very much and wanted to join the family gatherings but only you with your special sweet innocent childish faith had the perception to see him. Your older sister had obviously already been corrupted by nasty logical thoughts, a veil had been drawn across her eyes and she was no longer open to your loving uncle's visiting spirit.

  4. You probably heard relatives talking about him and saw a picture.Childhood memories are often a mixture of reality and dreams.It's what makes them so innocent.Don't fall into the superstitious ghost trap.

    Edit It's not judgment,it's an alternate explanation.If you think a ghostly uncle is the better explanation go with the ghost.Any of the legitimate paranormal investigaters I read here.Will probably suspect the same thing I do.

  5. I suppose it was Uncle Bill's choice as to whom he'd visit. Lucky you. What a neat memory, and you can share 'catch up' memories when you're reunited in Heaven. (wish I had an 'uncle bill'). :)

  6. Your Uncle Bill WAS at the gatherings.  You are obviously particularly open spiritually and could see and communicate with him.  If a Kirlian photograph was taken of a family gathering you would see the outlines of all the family members who had passed over, but who had come to join in with the family festivities.  When small children see these phenomena it is because they are open and not, as we get older, loaded down with logic and cyncism.  If you were to now go to a development class and reopen your spiritually aware side, you would probably find that Uncle Bill has never stopped visiting you!

    Look on sites for paranormal acitivity or watch John Edwards Cross Country on Sky 114 if you want to know more about visiting relatives that have passed over!  It will take your breath away.

    Enjoy the company of your Uncle Bill!

  7. I think you should go to a hypnotherapist and get regressed back to childhood, this man may have been a pervert who molested you and you may be blocking the horrific memories by inventing the image of kind Uncle Bill so that you don't have to mentally deal with the reality of your traumatic past.

  8. Your  account does not allow for Pm's but I think I have  aplace you'd like to go to learn more. PM me if you'd like.-remind me of your question.

  9. It is very common for children to see loved ones that have passed because of there innocence. And he still does come around you just can't see him anymore. Family always comes around, if you want it is possible to train yourself to speak to them again. They will often come in dreams, to visit. If you need anything else answered let me know i wil glad to help.

  10. For whatever reason, Uncle Bill had made a connection with you. One theory: he never got to see you before he died and he wanted to see you. And I don't think you are nuts.  After my wife had passed away, my younger daughter said that "Momma came in my room last night and told me everything was going to be alright."  My older daughter, by 8 yrs, said she hadn't seen her mother, but strange things had happen to let her know everything was okay.  I have never "seen" my wife, but I do get the feeling once in awhile that she is with me.  My theory: Since I was an adult and my older daughter being the same and not living at home, she thought that we could take care of ourselves, whereas my younger daughter needed the reassurance.  I really don't know.

  11. You were seeing through the eyes of innocence, without pre-conceptions or ideas that were given to you by society.

    Treasure those memories!

    (I believe that my guardian angel is my uncle, as he and my mother were very close when they were growing up, and he was killed by a drunk driver either right before or right after I and my twin were born.)

  12. I think your being very close minded "booing" people who are offering logical explanations. Smell is one of the strongest senses in our memories. You may know this smell and are associating it with a memory of an unknown loved one. Being so young at the time I don't know how you could remember a name and how he looked. More information could help to determine whether it was paranormal or just a childhood flashback of unknown smells.

  13. I never understand why people think a ghostly apparition would emit scent.  Smells involve real particles, made up of molecules and elements.  Ghosts are, if they exist at all, light energy.  If Uncle Bill smoked and used Old Spice until he was primarily composed of cologne and tobacco, his spirit would still have no odor.

  14. Your experience was not so different from my first memory of seeing those who are passed over.  I saw an uncle who died 20 years before I was born.  I didn't know who he was at the time and didn't find out until I was 14, but I saw and talked to him just the same. A cousin was with me at the time but she was asleep.

    I don't know why in your case, but as I look back at my experience, I know that it would have scared my cousin.  And I think the last thing he would have wanted would have been to have caused a child grief.

    I would be interested to know if it has happened to you since.  Not with the same person so much, but have you seen others?  You may possess a talent that you didn't know that you had.

  15. They say there is a veil that comes over all of us at about age 7, maybe sooner.  Before that, we are more in tune with things unseen.  My youngest brother used to see "big daddies" in our home when he was about 3 or 4.  There were always 3 of them, and he described them to me as he played nonchalantly.  I never saw them, but I felt them.  I've heard similar stories from parents of young children.  

    Was your sister 3 years older than you?  If so, perhaps she was too old to see Uncle Bill, who may have come to her when she was younger, and she just forgot.

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