
Weird question but....?

by  |  earlier

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What would happen if you did stuff someone in a suitcase and attempt to take them on a plane. I know you would definatley be busted by security but what would they do from there? Its not a kidnapping or anything. And just so everyone knows im not planning on doing it, me and a friend were joking around.




  1. Try it out, if your friend survives try another experiment. See if he will fit under the hood of your car and try to cross the border.

  2. As the above answer indicates, "someone" in the suitcase might not fare too well.

    You however would be able to have an outstanding tour of airport detention facilities as well as an all expense paid stay probably at your local constabulary's hostelry.

  3. The word you are looking for is "stowaway" which is forbidden by federal statute, and both of you would most likely go to jail.

    You would be better off to avoid joking about things like this.



  4. Question is why would you do this in the first place knowing you would be caught. BTW....all cargo areas of an aircraft are pressurized so they would not die like someone else here said.

  5. they would more than likey die in the luggage storage area, the only luggage that gets air is the one for pets

  6. My guess, you would probably freeze to death.

  7. Your "victim" would be considered as stowaway. Both of you are in trouble and if your victim wants to wriggle out, he/she can claim that she has been kidnapped. This would quadruple your worries...

    Wouldnt you be better off buying a ticket for your mother-in-law?

  8. U would be busted and both be anally violated by enormous air port security men.

  9. They would get banged around in the cargo with little air and yell for help to get out. Im sure being inside a suitcase would be the horrible.

    I saw this girl on Oprah fit inside a suitcase. Don't ask why I was watching that show.

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