
Weird question - strangers holding your baby

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I have been asked by a few strangers this week if they can hold my baby. I basically said, that he crys when strangers hold him,but I just didn't feel comfortable handing my child over too a stranger..There are just so many nut bars out there right now.

Has a stranger ever asked if they can hold your baby? Is anyone on the same page as me? Maybe I am just being paranoid?





  2. No, I agree.  I had a man try to just take my son without asking when I had my car serviced a few weeks ago.  I flipped out.  People talk to my son at the store, but I would never let someone hold him.  You aren't paranoid, you're perfectly normal.  

  3. You are not being paranoid!  I would never allow a stranger to hold my child, unless it was a situation in which we were at a friend or family member's house and someone they knew asked...even then, I might say no if I felt uncomfortable.

  4. No, I would not let a stranger hold my baby!  A while ago, when my son was about 4months, I was sitting at a table at a local mall and this woman came right up to Eli and started petting his head and face.  I freaked out!!!  It was just weird.  I would never go up to a stranger and do that!!!  

    So NO, you're not being paranoid :)

  5. I had a friend take her baby on a plane and a lady came up to her while it was night and ask if she could hold the baby and she gave her baby to her and the lady walked away with the baby and went all the way to the bathroom and locked her and my friends baby in the bathroom and wouldn't open the door! So needless to say I would NEVER let a stranger hold MY baby ever and never will my friend ever trust a stranger with her kids....

  6. i dont think ive ever had a complete stranger ask to hold my baby but if they did i would probably respond the same way you did. there are people i know that im still not comfortable with holding my baby, let alone a complete stranger!

  7. no. im paranoid about some people i know holding my daughter! strangers a definate no no

  8. Oh boy, I definitely wouldn't hand my baby over to a stranger either. I think it's uncomfortable enough when the stop and ogle her in her stroller!  

  9. No, I won't let a stranger hold my baby, I'm too paranoid about it. I have this fear that if I let someone I don't know hold my baby they'll run off with her, I don't know why I fear that, but it keeps me from letting them hold her.

    You aren't weird for feeling that way, most moms probably feel the same way.

  10. No!  You have no idea who they are!  You can just say that you don't feel comfortable with doing that.

  11. I would never let a total stranger take my kid. I don't care how nice they seem. This is completely out of line. What if they didn't know how to properly hold a baby and broke a bone? NO NO NO. You have the right to say NO.  

  12. ♥ Yes I totally agree with you. I have had people come up to me asking if they could hold my daughter and I said no and walked away. I take my daughter garage saling with me on Saturdays and one time someone at the garage sale asked if they wanted to set her down so that I could look. I was like no thanks.

  13. I wouldn't let a stranger hold my baby unless there was a really good reason to, and I totally trusted them.  If someone walked up to me in the grocery store and said "What a cutie!  Can I hold her?" I would have to refuse.

  14. You are not being paranoid. I have never had a stranger ask to hold my baby (who is now 3, but not even when she was new born).

    Even if asked I would definately not allow it. People can take off fast.  

  15. It is good that you don't allow them too because you just can't take chances with your child.  Be polite but Never let them.  God Bless!

  16. yes-strangers have asked to hold my baby before.  as a parent you should decide who can or can't.  In some cultures...such as the mexican culture it's very normal for just random people to hold your baby or come close to them..but in the US we tend to be like our space and our kids space to be just that..OUR space.

  17. You are absolutely, 100% correct in your actions. I'm sure everyone here will be on the same page as you. I know that if a stranger asked to hold my baby, I would politely tell them that I'm not comfortable with that. Not only do you not know the person, but you also don't know what kind of germs they are carrying around. I'm not a germaphobe, but you don't know if they just left the bathroom and didn't wash their hands, picked their nose, etc. You get my point. A girl I used to work with asked my husband if she could hold my baby this past weekend at a picnic. My husband simply told her no. He didn't know who she was and after I gave him the ok because I knew her, I praised him for what he did. You can NEVER be too careful.

  18. I dont even feel comfortable with relatives holding my baby let alone a starnger youre not paranouid at all besides who knows what germs they have

  19. No one's asked and even if they did I'd tell them NO. I've had people just come up and start touching my baby and that by itself is enough to "weird" me out a bit. But asking to hold him? No way.

  20. I'm exactly the same, sometimes i have been asked when I'm struggling to get on the bus with the pram and even then I'm stubborn and say no, grab the d**n pram people!!

    But your not paranoid and you should stand by your choice if your not comfortable.. Who cares if you hurt someones feelings, its your childs safety your have to care about..

  21. When I had to go to the hospital when I had mastis, the nurse offered to hold my baby while I got changed into the hospital gown. I told her thank you but no, my hubby is with me. She got very upset that I didn't allow her to, but I do not want someone I don't know holding my child. She works in the E.R so god only knows what she could have given my son.

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