
Weird recurring dream that leaves me in a bad mood each day.?

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Keep having recurring dream that always involves a girl I used to work with and fell head over heels with, dream is always based at the office I used to be in.

Always includes:

a) me getting lost on the tube getting there - going to the end of the line, usually a big park, then having to get the train back.

b) when I get there I'm always about 6 hours late for work and have missed something big.

c) This bit differs: This time when I got there thousands of people outside the office were getting their faces painted.

d) Always the same but in different contexts: I end up talking to her as I always bump into her in different situations in dreams but I always end up s******g things up, or if I don't say something stupid she just disappears and I'm wondering where she's gone, then I wake up miffed

I havent seen her for 2 years but she added me on Facebook a year ago, we don't speak much, not for months -- and she's in a new relationship now.

What does it mean, how can I stop this?




  1. I'm going to look at the different themes you have goin' on here. These aren't foolproof answers-- different people see things differently, so what I might see in your imagry might not be what you understand. (If I dream of cats, it's about something friendly, but if you dream of them, it could be about allergies and things that irritate.) Point is, you'll be your best interpreter, but here's a possible starting point for you.

    a) Getting lost on the tube seems like getting lost in life. You may feel you've gone too far down this "track" you're on right now. (And that's where you have to look at your own life to see how it applies-- would it be work related? or something else in your life: social, familial, whatever.) So maybe you've taken a decision too far and are finding that in order for you to be where you want, you have to turn around.

    b) As a result, you're left feeling like you're "behind the times." If you were dreaming about just getting to work, but not missing anything, there wouldn't be any anxiety in the dream and it'd be no big deal-- in fact, you probably wouldn't even repeat this dream. (Recurring dreams usually occur when the dreamer has an issue that's not resolving. The subconscious will hash this baby out until it finds an answer it likes or until the issue is worked out consciously.)

    c) This is a very interesting part. It's about how you perceive society. Thousands of people outside your office-- all getting their faces painted. This could either be about beauty or about a false face-- like a front that you feel folks in general are putting on.

    d) And this part is about your frustration with this how this girl is out of reach-- no matter what happens.

    So it's possible that each dream segment means something different, but probably more likely that you need to put them all together.

    Subconsciously, you might feel you've (a) gone too far down the track you're on (you're lost, but you chose to stick this route through to the end?) and, as a result, you're feeling like (b) you're  missing out on the important stuff (you dreamed about your work, but I'm guessing your subconscious probably meant it more generally, just applying your work as a simile.) (c) The face-painting episode might be the clue you're waiting for. What do you think about society? Your culture? Your faith? Are you surrounded by a bunch of painted on fakes? Or people that are merely interested in what they're portraying to the world, but perhaps not what's really important, the quality of who they are inside? And if so, could there be a connection between this and (d) s******g things up.

    Like I said before, you'll need to look at your own life (I don't know you) and figure out how this might apply to you. Try to be as objectively honest with yourself as possible. In fact, I would spend some serious time in prayer about this. You don't need to believe in God in order for you to ask Him for help, wisdom, and insight. Dreaming about this girl two years later and now she's in a relationship-- it's doesn't seem very balanced or healthy; I'm guessing that you're spending more time thinking about her than you should be. That's enough to make anyone miserable.

    Let me know if there's anything more I can do to help.


  2. This is not about her per se.  This is about you feeling that you are "missing the mark" in some way in your life.  Think about the areas of your life that you might feel that you are not where you would like to be, feel that you are running behind.  Deep down you fear that you will mess up something important to you.  Reevaluate and do what you can do, don't stress.


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