
Weird s*x question about my girlfriend?

by  |  earlier

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I was sitting in my girlfriends room watching tv and all of a sudden my girlfriend says with no warning, "So, do you wanna have s*x?" Is this normal for a girl to say to her boyfriend, heh im not complaining, but what do you guys think?Is it a test?




  1. Say yes mate. That is the honest answer isn't it? But also say that you are willing to wait if she wants to and that you would never push her into anything. That should answer the question sufficiently enough for her and not make you look like a horny a*****e.  

  2. no she probably just wanted to have s*x!

  3. nope, not strange, she probably thought the very unexpected ask for it would turn you on :) so lol have fun.  

  4. May not be a test. Depending on how long you two have been dating. She probably didn't know how to initiate it without actually just asking. Maybe.

  5. sounds like you have a great girlfriend :)

    be glad.

  6. who cares if it is if she wants you what type of man would you be not to give her what she wants

  7. If it is a test say:

    "I would love to because I love you, but I love you enough to wait if thats really what you want" or something like that. That way you can't go wrong.

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