
Weird snow strom in vision??

by  |  earlier

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if i look strait ahead and concetrate for more then a couple of secounds i will see like a drizzle of snow is that normal and i did go see an eye doctor and he did seem to think it was normal but he wasnt clear




  1. You diffenitely have something going on. I would go to a renta special. How is your color vision? If you look at green & red/orange next to each other can you tell them apart?

    Try the test here:

    I was seeing something i called a spinning diamond. When to over 9 (yes 9) different doctor before being properly diagnosed with Stargardt's Disease. Its a genetic problem and they can test for it.

    Basicly it's juvenial macular degeneration. There are other diseases that cause things like that. check out    they have all the info about this & other diseases as well. Good luck

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