
Weird studying abroad question..?

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Hey guys. I got a couple questions:

1) I know that French colleges are completely free for french citizens (at least public ones). Anyways, I hold a tri-citizenship between the U.S., Brazil, and England. Does that make me a citizen of France as well (seeing as theres this whole EU thing going on), as I want to study abroad in Paris. Can I study there for a semester for free? yaaaa? Also, does this mean I can work there legally?

2) How does financing work as far as studying abroad goes. My mom owns a ton of property, so we get absolutely no financial aid and were not really considered need based (dammit), but as far as loan goes, am I able to get them subsidized? Would I get them from the government or from a bank? Can I get them from one source, or can I get it all from one place (im looking to get $20K or so).

3) Whats the best program to study abroad in France (english classes)?

4) Where can I get the best scholarships for studying abroad?




  1. Student loans are available with a wide range of lenders. Many students are finding themselves tough while going for a higher education. The flagrant cost of the higher education is one of main factors that are impeding the chances of your higher education. Since, education is the sole and one of the important tools for your personal development; it can not be ignored-all.To help you payingefficiently the huge cost of the higher<!-- education, now, student loans have been made into provision. You can avail these loans to meet the cost of your tuition fees as well as paying off other bills related to your education. You may be helped from the government agencies as well as from private players.

    From among the private lenders, the online lenders are those one that are known for the simple and fast processing. You can contact a number of such lenders online with their different loan quotes. An online method helps you negotiate for the best deal out of the available-->options and also make your approval faster. Students can obtain the education loans either with secured or unsecured form. Secured loans require pledging of an asset from the borrowers. Whereas, unsecured form has nothing such obligation. The secured form has a lower interest rate, whereas, with the unsecured one, it is somewhat higher.

  2. Okay, this is a bit complicated:

    No, you're not a French citizen. However, you are an EU citizen, and will be entitled to the same conditions as other non-French EU citizens - provided they are not limited to EU residents, which I presume you aren't.

    But, if you're going to France for just a short time to study as part of an exchange program, you wouldn't be paying fees to the French university anyway. You'd be paying them to your American college, who are the ones granting your degree. This won't stop just because you're in France. If you want to take advantage of the fee thing you'd have to apply directly to the French university and take your whole degree course there. And bear in mind that while degree courses may be free for some people, short language courses are almost certainly not free for anyone.

    English classes? In the sort of French university which is subsidised for nationals? Nope. You really need to decide what you want here. If it's a standard "study abroad for a semester" package designed for Americans, you'll be paying the same fees as everyone else. If it's to be treated as an EU citizen to get the free/reduced fees, you'll be applying along with the French nationals, for a three our four year degree course awarded by the French university and taught in French.

    There's free movement as far as working in other EU countries goes, so yes you can work there legally.

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