
Weird stuff has been happening to horses and our tack ,should i leave my barn?

by  |  earlier

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1.a nail straight up in the horses hoof!

2.blanket thrown in stall for horse to pee and p**p on!

3.owner being very mean!

4.horses leg swollen up!

5.tack missing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




  1. I haven't owned a horse for the past twelve years, and seeing and hearing what goes these days, I'm staying away.  

    They look at these creatures for their income potential and not for the long term.  

    These gross negligences are due to many factors at play, mostly having to do with high costs of upkeep vs. what they will produce.

    So, horses generally last for a short duration, and they keep breeding more and more with genetic compromising for the sake of keeping the breed going.

    Nothing new and exciting to talk about since the days of Secretariat.  

    They throw at you high figures, but nothing of quality lasts, and your description fortifies my theory.

  2. This sounds mighty suspicious to me. Yes, you need to find out why these incidents keep happening, and in the meantime, I would keep my tack under lock. I would also check my horse DAILY for signs of injuries or illness, and be prepared to move him or her if this strange activity continues very long.  Good luck.

  3. i have had problems with some people that i board with but i go straight to the owner of the stables and talk to him.  It is the owner of the equestrian centers responsibility to make sure your horse is being treated fare.  Also, if money is not an issue, i would get a survalnece camera that they sell specifically for people having these issues.  just google or yahoo search barn servalences.  that should help alot because some can send you live footage to your home or it can record and make a dvd.

    good luck and best wishes

  4. Doesn't sound like the kind of place where I'd want my horse to stay.  Any one thing on the list could be "well...sometimes stuff happens..." but the running list sure doesn't look too good.  I'd move.

  5. I would. It sounds like your horses and your stuff are at risk. I would find a new barn if possible.

  6. Yep that sounds very much like some one at the barn is taking out their anger on the horse.. and is being very neglectful... if you can move some where else... it may be in your horses best interests to do so... hope things work out for you !!!

  7. it sound like some one might be angry w/ you and is taking it out on your horse without thinking of the repressions i think you should be very cautious about your horses safety and your own when your there and if any thing else happens maby you should report the person taking care of your horse or do what i would do hang around and watch your horses surrounding like the people around him and if you see anything strange happening get some one quick or kick their *** because i know if some one were to be doing that to my horse i would be a reck because they can always do worse my friends horses food was messed w/ by some jealous of her horse (they put Tabasco sauce in his feed and it almost killed him

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