
Weird symptoms, what is it?

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All last week I was feeling pressure in my pelvis. Like the kind you get when a OBGYN pushes around inside your cervix. All weekend I had a horrible feeling of motion sickness and lots of CM. Last night I was tossing and turning restlessly. Hot and cold, exhausted, but couldn't sleep. This morning I felt faint and tried to eat breakfast but I couldn't keep it down.

I was wondering what it might be. We've been ttc for a few months and I'm expecting AF in a week. I tested this morning and it was negative. I'm guessing it was a bit premature. Could it possibly be that i'm pg or is there wrong?




  1. Hang in there girl, i reckon your pregnant. Try not to test again until the day af is due and i'd bet my bile duct its a bfp!! Best of luck

  2. Wait another week or two. It could be because you're premature or it could also be due to stress. Stress does a huge deal on you when you think you might be (I know, it's happened to me!)

  3. Please seek out your doctor for further testing.  

  4. Is your period late.  Not tryin got give you false hope but those sound a little like pregnancy symptoms, esp the extra CM, feeling faint and nausea.

    Go get a preg test with your doctor (blood test).  I have heard of lots of false negative pregnancy tests

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