
Weird teacher!!!!!!?

by  |  earlier

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When im in class my teacher tells me off alot and does not seem to like me but when im on my own he is really nice and friendly to me

Im so confused .......................

btw im in co at the mo




  1. my teachers act like yours


  2. How are you acting in class?  Are you disruptive?  What does he "tell you off" about?  Maybe he just wants class time to be calm.  Maybe he doesn't dislike you.  Maybe he's friendly and nice when he doesn't have to teach an entire room full of kids?

  3. I have the same teacher's.  She nice to me.  I'm confused too. cuz, my teacher in class she act like she so mean.  But, if i stayed after she like totally so cool.   You just only need to know your teacher's more.  Cuz some teachers just like that.  They not mean.  They want respected so thats why.  don't worry about it.  I hope i explain for you.  Hope you find it.  :D  Good Luck.

  4. if it is really bothering you tell him it bothers you. If he still continues to act that way bring a tape recorder. record durring class and after class then show your principal the tape and ask to be moved into another one

  5. yeah ok your trying to intimate he comes on to you when you are on your own, he is a teacher im guessing your disruptive in class eh?

    edit - aww cmon you know your a bad gal ;-)

  6. i think he's hitting on you
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