
Weird thing that happened to my a while ago?

by  |  earlier

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I was in bed trying to sleep one night.. I was just thinking about driving (I dont know why) Well as i started to fall asleep (still thinking about this) i started to veer of the road and then i crashed..

Now as i crashed i sorta of woke up but in a wierd trance and my body was shaking and and i was frozen and couldnt control it.. I was seeing swirls of light everywhere as well.. I know this wasnt a dream..

And im not epileptic..

What could it be?




  1. could be a message.... take heed

  2. Your body had a physical reaction to being frightened by your weird dream, like when you dream something bad and when you wake up your heart is racing or you are sweating a lot.

  3. A message from the powers that be to not drive when your asleep maybe???  Could be a warning to be careful driving.  I get those all the time when driving, I just pull over and wait.  Something always happens then I move on.  Many times it is at an intersection when I have a green light, I wait then someone blows through the red light.  Always listen to that little voice when driving, it will save your A$$.

  4. For the most part dreams are not remembered, but every now and then there is a really intense dream. One time I dreamed I heard a knocking at the door. In my dream I went to see who it was. When I opened the door someone hit me with a pipe. This dream was so intense that I sat up in bed as if I had actually been hit. Fortunately, this dream was not prophetic.

    Some times dreams are prophetic. Check out this dream of Abraham Lincoln

    Just to be on the safe side, be extra alert and careful driving!

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