
Weird things happen?

by  |  earlier

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ok like last year I was the only one in my house and i went to do somthing downstairs for like 30 seconds then came back up and I know where i had this picture frame..and it was all the way on the other side of the room. Then around the same time like maybe a week later i was sleeping and my matress just like lifted for 2 seconds then went was freaky but i ignored it cuz i didnt wanna scare myself..and like 2 night ago i was sleeping and before i went to bed i locked my door and turned off my fan(its like one i put by my bed,not on the ceiling) and i closed my blinds and went to bed..and then when i woke up my fan was on and the blinds were all the way open. what is it? O and maybe i should tell you like like two years ago i moved in this house and 2 months before that,5 ppl were murderd in the same neighborhood like 2 blocks away




  1. that is soooo weird!

    about that picture frame thing....

    that happens 2 me 2!!

    like i think i put something in a certain place....

    then it is somewhere else!

    it's either my mind is crazy or their are ghosts....but i doubt it...

    so probably losing it....

    you should definatley move out of that neighborhood....

    i wouldn't want to live where 5people were murdered....

  2. weird things happen if u let them happen, i so dont belive in ghosts. ppl dont understand how powerful the brain is, if u believe somethin so much you wil begin to think its real. like the placebo effect.

  3. well, it sounds like a ghost but i'm not too sure if you believe in that. if you don't then i don't know what to tell you. stuff like that happens in my house except people actually see and hear ghosts too. haha.

  4. i do not beleive in ghosts.

  5. That is so scary and I think that you should totally move out of that house!  I wish you the best of luck, and I hope that all this stops soon!

  6. Who ya gonna call???   It's obvious what's going on here. I think the people who were murdered are haunting your house. They are trying to get your attention. Listen closer and maybe they will tell you more about the murder.

  7. wierd very creapy be careful out there

  8. i think you should move....

  9. Ok I think you should move out of that neighborhood because i would beg my parents to move somewhere else and thats really freaky and scary i hope you luck.

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