
Weird tooth dreams?

by Guest31747  |  earlier

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I keep getting reocurring dreams about my tooth falling out.

It is one particular tooth, the right canine, because the tooth before it is restricted (if that makes sense)

The dream goes like this:

I am grinding my tooth out and i put my hand on my jaw to stop myself doing it. But I cant, I have this impulse to keep grinding it out, until blood is drawn.

It freaks me about because it is so real! I then wake up the following morning thankful that I still have all my teeth!

The dentist told me 10 years ago, that I either have to have a brace put on or the canine tooth to come out to allow the other one room to come through. I have not been back since.

I know that if you dream about your teeth falling out, it means that you have a problem with your image and how others perceive you.

I only have this dream about 3 times a month.

Does this sound scary?

Do you have reoccuring dreams?




  1. I always thought that teeth falling out in a dream meant that you felt you were losing control of a situation.

    I don't have any recurring dreams, mine are usualy just mashed up memories of the days events, and that can be pretty interesting lol.

  2. Hiyas,

    In reality, dreams can only be interpreted by the dreamer themselves as all the content comes from oneselfs sub concience.

    Only you know what your dreams mean, no dream books or whatever can give you answers. They may write oh this means this and that means that but deep down its c**p, only you can analyze and interpretet them.

    Yours could stem from your experience at the dentist all them years ago and its showing up in your dreams this way. Im taking you never went back due to fear, this would explain the traumatic feelings within your dream and freaking out.

    I always have recurring dreams and nightmares but with being in touch with my own senses, I can dig deep and analyze where my dreams came from and its always personal experiences and anything that ive stumbled upon that has entered my mind.


  3. i have dreams mabout teethvfallin out to

    its a sign of growing up/ maturing.

    i read it in my dream book

    try makin some changed to your lifestylke friends, relise some importnat things and it should go away

  4. Fascinating, I read where Charles Manson had similar dreams prior to going on a killing spree.

  5. I've had dreams about my teeth falling out. Its probably caused by you grinding your teeth while you sleep. They sell nightguards to help prevent that.

    Also, you should listen to your dentist, you only get one( i guess 2 really but still) set of teeth to last a lifetime(unless you want dentures) so take care of your teeth, its easier at a younger age.

  6. omg i have the same dream over and over again. not like yours my my teeth fall out. i keep thinking that im going to do something stupid like drugs that will make my teeth fall out.  but that's weird.
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