
Weird tuberous root found in Perennial garden?

by Guest32336  |  earlier

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I was planting in a area in my flower bed and had a flower that had not been doing good so I was going to move it (live in a very windy area in fall, winter and spring but summers are calm so tag is lost) the strange root I dug up looks like a day lily coming out of the ground but more plump leaves like a succulent but still looks like the size of a day lily the roots are very yellow and coming from one tuber I planted it in a area that gets shade half of the day. I do not know how to post a picture Im just wondering if this sounds very familiar to any one - any help would be great.




  1. Sounds like it could be a Yucca plant.  I moved my Yucca's to the side of the house a few years ago but there are still small Yuccas coming up in the original spot constantly.  They do look about the same as a new day lilly when they first come up.

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